Surviving to Orlando at the end of year, How to make the most!

Take advantage of the Disney parks in the middle of the year takes a lot of willpower, patience and willingness. As I told on my first post about Orlando December is high season and it all gets ridiculously full, parks, shops, markets ... where you look has a queue line. But at the same time I spoke that we enjoyed very much ... How this is possible? Follow our recipe to survive the world of tourists that the parks are given at the end of year.


Our Recipe

As I said in the beginning, takes a lot of willpower, patience and a willingness to face the parks when full. So here are some tips to make the most possible.


arriving early is kind, cross the road...
arriving early is kind, cross the road…Yes this picture is in the morning

General Tips

1- Wake up early and detach yourself from bed, Remember that most hotels have no breakfast included. So if arrange in order not to waste time.

2- Reveze who are travelling with you who wake up first, so all rest a little more each day. Remembering to always give priority to sleep more to team driver.

3- As our room had fridge and microwave, We were buying frozen food, sandwiches, cookies, juices and chocolate among other bullshit to accompany us on the sidewalk and save at lunchtime. In addition you can have breakfast in your room and leave at once for the parks. Travel low profile is so, sandwich in the room and let's go!


Check out our day Magic Kingdom, or at EPCOT (COMING SOON)

Tips for DISNEY – Before you travel

1- Who stays in one of the Disney resorts can schedule until 3 toys by Park a day to jump the queue with up to 3 months in advance. Plus enjoy the Extra Magic Hours, where you come in before the Park open for everyone or can stay after close.

2- For the rest of the world stays in other hotels, houses etc ... you can schedule the 3 toys by Park a day a month in advance. Stay tuned to in EPCOT there are some limitations in this schedule. Check out more tips in our post about the EPCOT ( COMING SOON ).

3- Choose the most popular attractions of each park for drilling line, or that has more desire to go.

4- Schedule your fast pass for a few hours after you get to the Park, so you can take advantage of the small queues of the beginning of the day to walk in other toys.

5- Remember that there is a time spent in offset, so do not select toys in timetables next.

6- Meeting with characters can also be scheduled and have the queue stuck just like the toys, and Yes, that takes it out of the 3 schedules you can do per day.

7- If you plan to eat at any restaurant of Disney parks especially with meeting with princesses, keep an eye to schedule until 6 months before your trip through the Disney website, vacancies exhausted too, very fast.

some screens of the application of Disney, at the bottom you can select the Park you want to
some screens of the application of Disney, at the bottom you can select the Park you want to


Tips for DISNEY – During the trip

1- In the Park you can schedule more an attraction once you have used the 3 initials through kiosks scattered throughout the Park. A novelty that will begin soon is the ability to make these new schedules through the application on mobile. But remembering that can only be one at a time.

2- To make our time render and ride the maximum possible toys, We used the application informs you park the waiting time for each toy. So while our time not enough to use the fast pass or when it's about time the fast pass but had time left we'd take any toys with small queue. Since the appointment is not accurate, It's kind of 12:00 to 12:45, in the meantime you can cut the line. With this tactic we muitosssss toys.

3- The parties follow the links to application download of the parks My Disney Experience, Android and IPhone. Remembering that needs to have the login created in the site to use the application.

Disney FREEBIES or nearly so

Passport from EPCOT
Passport from EPCOT

Bottom – Magic Kingdom

As you enter the Magic Kingdom, the City Hall is soon left, There you can get 1 or more of the different badges that they offer for free, I got 1st visit, Celebrating and family reunion.

Disney dollars – Magic Kingdom

At Disney you can exchange dollars for Disney Dollars. The money's worth in the Park as any dollar bill. In addition to being a very cute souvenir, each year the prints on the Note Exchange, many people collect. I switched 5 dollars in 5 Disney Dollars. You can do this Exchange at the Guest Service of the Park, It is near the City Hall. I heard they stopped producing this year! There will be no more! A sadness, to those who have, Save your bucks, turn good memories.



where to get the magic cards
where to get the magic cards

Magic Cards – Magic Kingdom

The game The Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom allows the visitor to get a package of letters a day in the Fire Station on main street or at Liberty Square near the Christmas shop. These cards are interactive with various points around the Park, to go to the next you have to have done the previous mission. It's very nice, I imagine for children, but I didn't have time to play, another time who knows?

Free sweets – Magic Kingdom

You can visit the shops on main street and maybe sample some candy samples. The sweets to sample depends on the day.

Passport – EPCOT

Buy your passport and scroll through the countries in EPCOT for stamp and receive signatures with facts about every corner of the world there represented. Turns a nice souvenir.


Check out our day at Universal (COMING SOON)


Tips for UNIVERSAL – Before you travel

1- If you intend to use the train to Hogwarts buy tickets PARK-TO-PARK, without it you can't get on the train.

2- Buy the express pass of Universal, It allows, you insane person who invented to go at the end of the year to the Park, can walk on almost all the toys. I mean to buy before because there is a limit of express pass per day, You can run the risk of not having more. Remember that the price depends on the time of year, so, for days of high season as the end of the year he gets a small fortune. But worth every penny. Guarantee, without it you can't survive.


Tips for UNIVERSAL – During the trip

1- The express pass does not allow you to enter the two Harry Potter simulators, so I recommend you run into one of them first. They say that at the end of the afternoon the queue decreases but we haven't seen that. Actually filled to the point that the crowded Park, and the simulators have closed for a long time.

2- If you like some attraction that the queue is small with the express pass do not miss the opportunity to use it again, RE- ALWAYS RIDE!!!!!

3- Your ticket at Universal allows you to add the photos of toys to print at the end of the day. The way we were 3 was cheap. The store to print gets stuck on the way out. We didn't come and we left the Park…Luckily our ticket was park-to-park so we got back and we took the pictures.

4- Universal also has a mobile application which informs the queue time of each toy to whom it may concern follow the links to application download of the parks Universal Orlando Resort App, Android and IPhone.

some screens of the application of Universal
some screens of the application of Universal


FREEBIES Universal or nearly so

out-of-touch _ surviving-the-orlando _ 01
the friendly Universal botoms


Universal does not have as many freebies when Disney, but it has a nice bottom you can get one at the Guest Service, just ask where is once you reach. The interesting thing is that the officials notice and interact with you to see the bottom. Imagine that magical to a child the Wolverine arrives and call her by name and asks what she is celebrating?


It's not free but almost hehe, the postcards you buy and you can stamp with the seal of Hogsmeade, from there you can send cards to someone dear via post office.

Bills Wizard

This certainly is not free but is a different souvenir, You can exchange dollar bills for cash Notes WizardWizarding Bank Notes you can visit Gringotts Money Exchange, you to open an account there to perform this Exchange! But only has notes of $10 and $ 20 ... I got c. .. The cool thing is that this money is worth in any part of the Harry Potter Park.


Check out our day at Sea World (COMING SOON)

At Sea World we if you want to buy the ticket before because it's well worth leaving to buy there on time. First you may already buy with discounts on Orlando information center. If you have time left gives a check on your hotel for selling tickets often roll discounts ABSURDITIES in value if you commit to visiting the resorts or park facilities.

As well as the other parks we can schedule the site attractions that are paid by outside as feeding the dolphins or book restaurants. As always thinking of the large amount of visitors is worth book before the site not to be disappointed.

" under the sea ... under the sea ..."
“under the sea…under the sea…”

And do you have any tips to share? Comment in the post which we will include in the text (with due credit, of course) !


Tip Fora da Toca – To take advantage of the parks

To save time and $$

Make snacks in the hotel and prepare others to take. Eat in the parks is not the cheapest stuff in the world so it's worth rolling until it's time to ACTUALLY eat lunch.

Always carry a bottle or squeeze with water, You can usually fill in water fountains.

Attention Can't get selfie stick to the parks

Warning caution with all rivers and lakes in Florida, There is swamp and alligators / crocodiles is pretty big. Let's avoid accidents.

5 thoughts to “Surviving to Orlando at the end of year, How to make the most!”

  1. Jules, I can walk in Harry Potter attractions with the Express Pass of Universal! Hallelujah!!! But the kind of values that have increased. I researched for my last trip. Anyway, for Christmas and new year still stands very!

    1. PS.: You realize that I need to get back to Disney? Right? I'm just in the recall is live! Hahaha

    2. Que bom né?! pq pagar aquela fortuna e ficar 3h na fila foi puxado demaisss hahhahaa menina nem fala nos valores, tudo reajustando, tá surreal!

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