Green Sugar Loaf Project

“Be the change you want to see in the world!” That phrase looks like it's trendy, In posts with beautiful pictures, Philosophical, Shirts made of pet, In Ecobags. The massification of this phrase is beautiful, But tell me here, Short, No one needs to listen, What do you REALLY do to change your surroundings? I live posting […]

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Ecological Tour on Sugar Loaf

Thinking about Rio de Janeiro and not thinking about Sugar loaf is almost impossible. So nothing more natural than my blog, Super Carioca, Tell how is the visit to this tourist icon of the city. But this I've done here. Then you dear follower will speak: “Another POST on the same subject Julia? Serious?! […]

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Visit to Sugar Loaf

In another typical summer day in Rio, No, wait, It's August ... On another day that winter was solemnly ignored by the Sun in Rio, We continue our endeavor to visit points of interest using the Carioquinha project. Error 1: The Carioquinha to Sugar Loaf works only Monday-Thursday. Error 2: […]

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