Municipal Balneary of Bonito

Let's start like this, you ask me, how do you have this picture?

why the hell I have this photo?
why the hell I have this photo?

Because I hear nothing brilliant ideas, and I walk to the locker room down the road!! Continuing …

Following the lead and lift the Vinícius, our transport for all tours, We went to the locker room of the city.

It's beautiful? Yes.
Does it have crystal clear water? Yes.
Does it have fish for you to see? Yes.
Does it have infrastructure? Yes, You can make a barbecue and everything.
It´s worth? Not much…

Honestly I didn't think it was worth it at all, the entry was a real a rip off! I was shocked. I don't know if residents have a differentiated value, for us was this one.

Yes I saved...
Yes I saved…

There isn´t a lot to do. Looks like a club of city residents. You can rent material to dive with fish, by the way I felt kind of repressed by them, each Piraputanga (Yes that's the name, accepts…) was HUGE, they didn't have the slightest decency to pass glued on us. Besides watching the kamikazes children running around the lawn and then trowing themselfs in the middle of the fish (Really it was a lot of fish), it also had children who were "fishing" the Piraputangas with an acerola at the end of a stick to see how high the fish would jump, It is amazing (inside the balneary fishing is prohibited). Besides that it had nothing to do. ..

People enjoying the crystal clear waters of the balneary
People enjoying the crystal clear waters of the balneary
is veryyy fish
is veryyy fish

We strolled through the balneary, We met with 2 a couple macaws that live there, they are free but they live there. So beautiful! You can't even believe when we see face to face.

When we saw from a distance they looked like a toy
When we saw from a distance they looked like a toy

After a while (1h30 maybe?) We think it was enough and decided to come back to town, We walked to the door of the balneary, when we saw a nice family of coatis on the top of the tree, so cute.

One of the coatis that we can fortografar
One of the coatis, we were able to photograph

The question was: how to get back? The balneary is in the middle of the road, there wasn´t bikes for rent, Vinícius had commitment and couldn't pick us up. What was the big idea? How far are we from the city? – we asked for a random person-about 7 km. AI, the next person says, Let's go on foot! I looked with my best face of "What?!"?! But it was not effective. What we learned? Today I ACTUALLY hit the foot. We leave, me, and the Sun of the late afternoon from Central-Western Brazil (in the middle of March (in Brazil it´s really hot this time of the year)!) in the face to walk the 7km back to the city. I'm not a person who would complain about this, I love to walk, I don't mind really. But at the end of the day we had an effort teste to the Anhumas abyss, Yes they have a test, If you don't pass you don' go and this was the tour I wanted most to go. Want to know how it went? Confers on the post on the Anhumas abyss!
After walking…walking…saw an armadillo on the side of the road and walk some more, we arrived at our hotel, at the end fHi the account to switch to do the stress test. In summary there are other cool rides with flotation that would be more worthwhile, but it was worth the experience.

Confirmation that we had arrived


General information – Balneario Municipal

Duration of the tour
The time you want to spend.

Plan how to get back, like I said he is in the middle of the road.

Children up 05 years are considered FREE.
Adult and Child R$ 30,00 – High season R$ 25,00 – Low season (values of 2014)

Check with the travel agency the value of the current year.

Learn a little more about the Municipal Balneary of Bonito here

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