Things to do in Nice?

Nice is a little town in the middle of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Considered one of the best ecotourism destinations in the world, Nice is full of more radical activities to more simple, but always with a slight hint of adventure. We went with a few days to enjoy the Carnival, but in order to make the most possible! So I researched a lot before closing our package.

To help you, adventurer, you want to enjoy a few days (or several) in Bonito, out of the woodwork has prepared a list with the main attractions, and our opinion on which we! There are other attractions, We recommend you check with your travel agent.

out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-NiceJiboia´s Project

The project aims to demystify and alert for the need of snakes protection. With lots of irreverence, and one of his snakes wrapped around his neck, Henrique tells a little of his life, how he started with them only with pets and how it evolved into the Jiboia´s Project, where he tries to remove the prejudice that many people have with the snakes. Check out here my account!




out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 02Anhumas Abyss

The Anhumas abyss was discovered by a peon after a fire in the region in 1970, only in 1999 It was open for visitation. The entrance to the abyss where we descend, despite the large gap that we've seen on deck, is mini and only pass 2 persons , each time it's really tight. The descent has 72 m and the only access both to enter and to leave is rappelling.
Check out here my account!




out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 10Boca da Onça

This is on my list for the next Beautiful no doubt! Full of attractions and a rappelling chilling anyone in the middle of the Valley, Boca da Onça couldn't stay away for those who like strong emotions. It is a walk for all day.






out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 06Fluctuation in Sucuri River

Go to Bonito without thinking about enjoying the clear waters to observe fish it´s almost impossible. We put on our itinerary floating in the river Sucuri. The waters of this river are among the 10 more crystal clear in the world!
Check out here my account!





out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 11Fluctuation in the Río de la Plata

They claim to be the best option for those who want to see greater variety of fish than in Rio Sucuri. With crystal clear water is a tour for nature appreciation.







out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 08Mysterious Pond

It's on my list too. It's not an attraction open all year due to reproduction of pond algae. But when open for visitation, one can admire its rocky walls and crystalline water. With more than 220 m deep, The Mysterious Lagoon offers several types of activity, for the more experienced scuba diving is possible with cylinder.





out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 05Mimosa Resort

Our first tour in Bonito was to meet the resort Mimosa and its beautiful waterfalls. Some of the Bonito´s farms chose to make Ecotourism on their land, with lunch, excursions on foot or on horseback among other numerous attractions.
Check out here my account!





out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 07Daniel Corê

In the Tupi-Guarani language Ceita Corê means – "Land of my children". The farm has a beautiful traditional sea. Just like the Estancia Mimosa the visitor can take a walk along the trails to enjoy the waterfalls besides knowing the source of the Chapena River.





out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 04Route Zagaia

The route Zagaia was more or less, don't recommend it to anyone. I found weak, There was nothing exciting, and even view it was so worth it so. It looked more like a procession of ATV. I just couldn't accelerate because we let the group in front to stay away to chase. I thought the disinterested super guides. Even so, you check our report here!






out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 03Boat in the Formoso river

Our ride was in the Eco Island Port Park, but it's not just the boat ride Eco Park offers. You have several other options to enjoy the river, can be of float cross, Duck (that's like a kayak), Stand up Paddle or even make slacklining over the river.
Check out here my account!





out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-beautiful _ 09Gruta do lago Azul

Postcard of Beautiful, has a stunning blue, you can't dive but admire is already something. We didn't go on the sidewalk., due to the rain that made it impossible to access the cave the day marked for our visit, but certainly we want to get back to the Nice and go there.



out-of-touch _ the-who-do-in-pretty _ 12Balneario Municipal

It's beautiful? Yes.
Does it have crystal clear water? Yes.
Does it have fish for you to see? Yes.
Does it have infrastructure? Yes, You can make a barbecue and everything.
It´s worth? Not much…

Check out here my account!



– some photos were taken from the official sites and the ECO Park Island port to illustrate the post –

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