Fluctuation in Sucuri River

Go to Bonito without thinking about enjoying the clear waters to observe fish it´s almost impossible. We put on our itinerary floating on the waters of this river Sucuri River are among the 10 more crystal clear in the world! We ran out of the boat trip we did on the Formoso River and arrived still with sun at the headquarters to get ready for the fluctuation.

Headquarter ranch
Headquarter ranch

You leave all your belongings in a locker and change clothes, putting the rubber suit and a vest to ease the fluctuation since it is expressly forbidden to touch the bottom of the river so it won´t raise sediment. After properly equipped with mask and snorkel, you go to the pool to test and get used. It may seem silly but a lot of people don´t have habit or practice, so they have this process so that everyone can get used to it. After that we took a car/Jeep opened for the source of the river. We got off and walked a part in the woods until we get to see the source, we were told that place was where Globo recorded a few scenes of the novel Soulmate with Priscila Fantin. All the way along the route into the woods is “paved” with pieces of wood log, Very pretty. The guide told us that this flooring is made from the trunks of trees that fall in the woods, so they recycle wood, I found it the a great idea, total sustainable .

Check out the transparency of source
Check out the transparency of source
The eco-friendly way
The eco-friendly way

The guide said that to avoid mosquitoes he take garlic capsules… I found it curious, some people say that works… We walked a little further and we came across this beautiful hole with unbelievable colors! The explanation for such intensity is that the shells of snails that die and seashells that accumulate at the bottom help to reflect light.

all shades of blue
all shades of blue
Piraputangas floating with us
Piraputangas floating with us

Anyway we dived in the river, with a peculiar name Anaconda, I confess that I was keeping an eye to see if it was going to end up seeing a snake. The water is so clear that it feels like you're floating in the void. It is so beautiful that I had to write some videos to show transparency. As we went down, the guide comes with a paddle aluminum boat , if you get tire you can get on it. The silence is wonderful, you pretty much goes into a trance. Unfortunately the rest of the group that came down with us was really noisy, were calling each other screaming… unnecessary ...

The more the sun shines the brighter it gets
The more the sun shines the brighter it gets

I thought we were going to find more fish, We saw basically just piraputangas, that was very nice, but I expected more. We were told latter that to see different fish and in greater quantity we should have gone to the Rio da Prata… one more to add to the list for when we get back.

Little boat that accompanied us
Little boat that accompanied us

After the end of the fluctuation that had begun with a beautiful sun, a absurd summer rain fell! We took advantage of and had lunch calmly, the lunch was included in the tour price and as always had a lot of delicious things to recover the energies.

Delicious lunch
Delicious lunch

As the sky decided to drop all that rain after the ride, We took an hour at the headquarters which has a gift shop with local products, several handmade from fish leather, very cool. I bought a purple glasses box made of leather of piraputanga, and a nice aligator that moves, all made of wood. The prices were fair, it was great as souvenir.

General information – Fluctuation in Sucuri River

Duration of the tour
Reserve a couple hours 2 and a half hours / 3 for the tour plus the lunch, to do everything done calmly.

Be sure to take an underwater camera the water it´s crystal!!


Adults and children above 5 years R$ 196,00 with lunch included (value of 2014).

Check with the travel agency the value of the current year.

2 thoughts to “Fluctuation in Sucuri River”

  1. Julia and Augustus, What a delight !!
    It's good to travel with you for these beautiful and interesting places!
    The texts and photos, beautiful, made me have more will also visit places that I haven't met, as Milan and New York, but especially review this wonder that is Beautiful.
    Continue traveling and showing us this wonders, OK


    1. Thank You Maria Angelica, We were very happy to hear that our followers!
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