Anhumas Abyss

When I heard of the existence of the adventure in the Anhumas abyss, I freaked out! Needed to put on my itinerary anyway!! After accepting the value of the investment (It's a bit salty, but worth every penny!!) We confirm the reservation with the Agency and was biting me of anxiety until the day, After all, would be my first ( of many ) Adventure-style trips. The day before the tour we went to addresses indicated to get tested for rappelling and experience the diving suit, all quiet and quick.

The “proof” the rappelling consists of going up and down 3 times a rope of a 6 m high with boldriê or child seat (feel free to choose whatever name they prefer). The hardest part is climbing, like, let´s say "worm measures – measures" you go up with the strength of the leg. Ideal walking huge I made before is not? ( told in this post here ) Feel all the glamour and all my technique of resourcefulness on the climb.

Anhumas abyss training
Anhumas abyss training

After duly approved, with signed the insurance papers, I went to try the rubber suit for the fluctuation in the Gulf the next day. As I said, they are very organized.

For the ride to the Anhumas is need to wake up in the morning, 7h was scheduled to exit, and to my agony, turns out the late transport, because the tyre had burst and nobody warned us. I was afraid of losing the ride but in the end it all worked out, We arrived in time. The entrance to the pit after big soybean field. You get out of the car, and walk a few meters on a dirt trail, the arrival is on a wooden deck. There you have the option to walk to a lookout point for observing/admiring the gap where light enters into the abyss, and at that moment is when you touch the size of “hole”, and tries to make the most of the natural world for the photo.

My " where I got"
My best face of “where I got myself”

The Anhumas abyss was discovered by a peon after a fire in the region in 1970, only in 1999 the Abyss was open for visitation. The only entrance/exit of the abyss where we descend, It's mini and it only 2 persons , each time it's really tight, despite the large gap that we've seen on deck. The descent has 72 m and the only way to enter and exit is rappelling. The team that was with us was super nice, they already have an entire schema to do our photos on the way down with our own machines, after they descend in a bag apart, Super practical, everything is very well organized. A couple after we wasn't very happy in the registration process, the man was with a Gopro helmet but forgot to call record, a sin.

Attention to " tamanico" of the space that we have to pass
Attention to the “size” of the space that we have to pass

Down it's easy, you get your neck away from the rope so it won't burn, and regulates the speed with your hand through a lever, Super simple. I really wanted to stop in the middle to photograph the view is really beautiful ! But you can't hehe. We arrived at the floating deck, and we join the other visitors to changed and fluctuation. The floating deck for two reasons, don't wreck the place and to match the heights of “tide”. Despite appearing to be an enclosed space, There are mini cracks through which water enters and depending on how much the water level in the Pit rises or falls.

Floating deck
Floating deck
For those with certification card is even more complete adventure!
For those with certification card is even more complete adventure!

Besides the flotation, who has certification card can pay a little more to get down to 18 m between the incredible limestone cones. There is almost no life in these waters, I noticed some micro fish when we were diving, the bottom has the remains of an Aardvark that fell into the abyss. Other than that is the beauty of the cones with the crystal-clear water that steal the scene.

the limestone cones we saw on floating and diving | Photo: Marcelo Krause to the Anhumas abyss

They told us that the water from the pit was super cold, my concept of ice water is summer in Rio de Janeiro or the waters of Arraial do Cabo, that one that you enter and in less than 10 seconds your foot is freezing, the contact with the fingers was lost and you almost feel the ice crystals covering the skin. The water is cold, but with the rubber suit is easy to handle, sensitive to the cold on call, believe me, I am the person who dies of cold for anything. The clothes help you float effortlessly, but at the same time you hinder horrors if you want try to swoop.

and the Sun of a special touch
and the Sun of a special touch


One of the few moments when the sun gave the air of grace
One of the few moments when the sun gave the air of grace

I was silly not taking my underwater camera for the floating, but that's life--learning to take other trips, In short I'm always loaded with a thousand cameras and accessories.

When we left the water took us on an inflatable dinghy to take a walk by the abyss telling a little of history. Taking pictures down there is complicated by the lack of light, and the fact that the deck be floated causes all left slightly shaky. But honestly this way the beauty of Anhumas.


Beat the urge to go to the bathroom in the middle of the Abyss?! Be cool to go to the bathroom in the abyss you climb a wooden ladder and into this technological part. Every day they have to empty this sophisticated bedpan with a special bag that climbs the rope, as I said there is only this input/output. What matters is what works and does not contaminate the environment of attraction.

Path to the bathroom
Path to the bathroom

Waiting to get back to the surface it was hard, There doesn't add Sun and after a while waiting, starts beating a cold that you have no idea! The couple who went up before us took around 40 min ( !!! ) to make the route, when the normal would be about 15 min. Of course each person has your time, but it took pacas. Both the ascent as the descent are always made in pairs, even if you're alone, will be paired with someone, If you do not have more visitors to close the number, an instructor goes with you. “Oh, But what if I get stuck on the way or be exhausted?!” – Can rest assured, they have the option to pull you out, but all are encouraged to try to make the climb in your own time.

For all people who thinks that women suffer to climb, you must know that according to them (the instructors of the abyss) men are who usually have more problems, since all strength made is with the legs, and being very sincere, If you get how it's done it' s SUPER simple, the harder part t's to control the adrenaline hehehe.

strength in the thighs and let's go up!
strength in the thighs and let's go up!
One of the fields of soybeans from our way back to the city
One of the fields of soybeans from our way back to the city

We returned to the town in the late afternoon. I took advantage to wander through the shops and taste the roast ice cream, is nothing more than the ice cream on the bottom of a sort of marshmallow burned with a blowtorch on the top, It's yummy. At night once again we went to the Taboa for a snack, This time Pacu ribs (pacu it's a fish), It was delicious, but I confess that gave a lot of trouble to eat. The highlight is always the regional juices, abaptized with alcohol or not.

Baked ice cream, the ribs, and the beautiful and delicious caipirinhas of Cupuaçu and Graviola
Baked ice cream, the ribs, and the beautiful and delicious caipirinhas of Cupuaçu and Graviola

Tip of Fora da Toca – Anhumas Abyss

Take a jacket because it's cold down there, and a snack to wait until it is time to go back. Some hotels like our offered a snack (paid) to get to the rides, preventing guests from taking “kits” with the breakfast food.

Use socks high for the tour to avoid rope Burns.

Attention the purchase of the tour, It can only be done through Nice tourism agencies listings! You can check this list here on the site of Abaetour .

General information – Anhumas Abyss

Duration of the tour
The tour takes practically all day

Rappelling with floating R$ 910,00 ( price 2018 informed by the abyss )
Check with the travel agency the value of the current year

Learn more about the Anhumas abyss here

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