Jiboia´s Project

Going to the Jiboia´s project was an accident. A wonderful accident. Thanks to the rain the night before and the drizzle of the day, our visit to the Blue Grotto, one of the most famous tourist spots, has been canceled. Since the downhill to the Cave it's very steep, with the rain is dangerous to go down so they close the visit temporarily until the path dry. We were very upset, because as we had few days, we wouldn't be able to schedule for another date.

With this, we returned straight from ride of the route Zagaia for the agency to be reimbursed. I wanted to fill this space somehow and I tried to get a horseback riding. But also because of the rain that it wasn't really into stop, I couldn't… The staff of the agency suggested for me to go to the Jiboia Project at night, I found valid. I didn't even think about going since I traveled with a person is not a big fan of snakes and snakes, and we wanted to focus on more adventure tours when we programmed our itinerary.

With almost the entire afternoon free, we went for lunch at Tapera, my friend's recommendation who lives in Bonito. Nothing like tip of local people, they are the best! Tapera it´s a delicious restaurant! The owner is the Chef, the only bad thing is that they don´t acceptt credit card, so take some cash for this lunch, We recommend A LOT! Our lunch was a pintado ( kind of fish ) with urucum. I'm not a person who eats much, but I scraped the plate. It was one of the most delicious dishes I've ever had.

The Tapera, Vaniâna and I and the delicious pintado with urucum
The Tapera, Vaniâna and I and the delicious pintado with urucum

By coincidence, during our lunch Henrique (responsible for the Jiboia´s project) appeared in the restaurant, and insisted even more for us to go. So I went myself anyway. My friend Vaniâna was kind enough to drop me off at the entrance to the project shortly before 7:00 pm, the line to get in was already quite big.

The queue that already was waiting for me outside and the place of the lecture
The queue that already was waiting for me outside and the place of the lecture

Anyone who wants to go ARRIVE EARLY, After entering we received passwords in order of arrival for the final photograph (or not) with the snakes. Besides that, since it´s a lecture, you better sit in the front, and arriving early is easier to get a place. While waiting for the lecture begin I walked through the space to familiarize myself with the stars of the night.

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Some of Henrique´s snakes
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Henrique and one of his snakes (Yes it's real)

The project aims to demystify and alert for the need of snakes protection. With lots of irreverence, and one of his snakes wrapped around his neck, Henrique tells a little of his life, how he started with them only with pets and how it evolved into the Jiboia´s Project, where he tries to remove the prejudice that many people have with the snakes. The lecture is extremely relaxed, Henrique has the gift of making the subject stand light and pleasant. He deals so well with the subject and with the people that a girl who had declared fear of snakes at the end of the lecture took a photo with it..
I personally never had a problem with snakes, actually I always wanted to feel the texture, after all, who has never heard that snakes are slimy and cold? All myth! In one of the best biology class in my life, it´s possible to learn the importance of snakes for the environment and for us. At the end of the lecture a queue is formed to take the long-awaited photo.

Me and the snake ( that was a boy but oh well)
Me and the snake (that was a boy but oh well)

The Jiboia´s Project was no dobt the best surprise I've had of all the tours in Bonito. I went without expecting anything and just LOVED! I highly recommend, really! As the snake, I guarantee that's not cold nor slimy, on the contrary, the texture is smooth and ridiculously soft. If I could I would have taken more pictures and spent more time with her in the neck. I sincerely hope to go back to Bonito and when it happends, I will be back for sure to the Jiboia´s Project.

General information – Jiboia´s Project

Duration of a speech
Around 1:30

Arrive early to ensure the first passwords and a good place to sit.


Adult R$ 35,00 ( value of 2014 )
Child R$ 25,00 ( value of 2014 )

Check with the travel agency the value of the current year.

Bullrider Boa project here


3 thoughts to “Jiboia´s Project”

  1. I love the Python Project! Although not the intention of the Henry, I came back from there with the urge to have a Python! But at the moment it is still not possible, who knows in the future. I've always liked snakes. I think it's nice to find a snake on the trail (dangerous to see the snake on the trail lol). But I know that there are many people that lists many myths and taboos, Besides killing. The cool of the lecture is the debunking. I will always remember the lecture and the initiative.

    PS. I found your blog looking for threads about Beautiful. I'm telling you a little about the trip in my blog. I'm loving your posts! Já favoritei o Fora da Toca 😀

    1. Hi Patricia! That's great that you found us looking for posts on Nice. It was a journey that we love and we can't wait to go back! There's a lot to visit yet! Henry was a surprise more than happy on the journey, but I confess that although I love reptiles still have no desire to have a snake, an iguana may…When you have a House…We've been following your blog also! Very cool idea of food, We love cooking too hehe Continue following us, here, on instagram and on facebook, There's a lot of news on the way!

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