Itaimbezinho Canyon

There's always something on the trip that almost slips through my fingers, be programmatically or external factors. In our case it was almost all of the two. Had planned on the penultimate day go to the Itaimbezinho, they were talking about being too beautiful. How was far, and with trails to make, have all day […]

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Things to do in Nice?

Nice is a little town in the middle of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Considered one of the best ecotourism destinations in the world, Nice is full of more radical activities to more simple, but always with a slight hint of adventure. We went with a few days to enjoy the Carnival, but in order to take advantage of the […]

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Boat in the Formoso river

Who never dreamed of doing rafting? How many times we did not see in those sports programs people happy going down the waterfalls or turning the boat? I always thought I was going to Lumiar to do it but our trip to Bonito came first. Our ride was in the Eco Island Port Park, but it's not just ride […]

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Knowing the Mimosa Resort

Our first tour in Bonito was to meet the resort Mimosa and its beautiful waterfalls. Some of the Bonito´s farms chose to make Ecotourism on their land, with lunch, excursions on foot or on horseback among other numerous attractions. When we close our vacation package, we choose transfers to all of the selected tours. So we know our driver […]

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