The grandiose Teatro Amazonas

The Teatro Amazonas is a Pearl in Manaus. Hard to walk through the center of town and miss him. I love a tour hehe, and the theater is very worthwhile EVEN, recommend to everyone that ride. I arranged the visit with the blogger Patricia of My travel planning, that was my friend hidden in an exchange of new year's cards by RBBV, who would have thought that a year later I'd be visiting the photo postcard.

facade of the Teatro Amazonas illuminated at night
facade of the Teatro Amazonas illuminated at night
Amazonas Theater night and day in December
two versions of the same building

After buying the ticket, to guide us in the Hall on the ground floor receives, and then we start the tour of the theatre audience, where we can sit in a chair while we listen to a little of the history of the place.

lobby and detail of the chandelier of the Teatro Amazonas
lobby and detail of the chandelier
View of the audience of the Teatro Amazonas
all the beauty of the Teatro Amazonas

The Teatro Amazonas was created at the end of the century 19 during the cycle of rubber, When Manaus became the economic center of Brazil. As the French were a long time in Manaus to take care of your profitable business, the European influence became clear in the city, the second was the French language, clothes, Food and French habits were widely copied, the point of Manaus to be known as Paris of the tropics.

Chairs of the audience of the Teatro Amazonas
Chairs of the audience perfectly preserved
dragging dad to meet the theatre
dragging dad to meet the theatre

In 1881 the first project for the Museum was presented by Mr Antonio Jose Fernandes, justifying that the city needed a place to the theatrical performances. 3 years later the works finally started, and only 12 long years after the theater opened. The delay to the implementation of the project was not just an Administrative Department, but also because the source of materials for the work. Virtually ALL came from outside! The tiles came from Alsace (France), Glasgow steel (Scotland), the Carrara marble (Italy) Took of 3 the 6 months for material coming out of Europe to Manaus, because of this the works began and kept constantly, In addition to the political and administrative barriers.

homage to Eduardo Ribeiro at the Teatro Amazonas
homage to Eduardo Ribeiro at the Teatro Amazonas


With the entry of Governor Eduardo Ribeiro the progress of the works gave a jump! Eduardo was a military Maranhense, and was the first black man to rule the Amazons. Unfortunately ended up moving away from the Government months before the inauguration. Its efforts to the implementation of the theater are so recognized that he is honored in several places as on stage and in the bust on display in the lobby.

I was in love with ceiling that mimics "" the Eiffel Tower
I was in love with roof “mimics” the Eiffel Tower

In 31 December 1896 Finally the Manaus Theater opens its doors! The brozne bust of Carlos Garcia pays homage to the famous composer, creator of the Opera "Guarani", Unfortunately he died in 16 September 1896 and could not see the Theater completed. His bust in the old days was exposed on the outside of the theater, After one of the reforms he was taken inside, It is still possible to find another bust ( plaster) on the balcony of the second floor.

busts on the balcony of the second floor of the Teatro Amazonas
on the balcony of the second floor Carlos Garcia is once again honored

The Amazon Theatre underwent reforms through the years, as in 1929 where regional motifs adorned the lobby and another in 1974 the biggest reform that put air conditioning in the building.

Amazonas Opera House seen from the Plaza
and don't fall in love with him?

The Hall of the Teatro Amazonas is charming and cozy, strongly reminiscent of the Teatro Municipal de Niterói, here in Rio, of course, more Rico and glamorous, and can house up to 701 persons . Wealth can be seen in every detail, of luminaires, the finishing of the columns. The beautiful individual chairs are covered with red. Already the cabins, occupying the sides of the audience and the second floor has 5 places each.

the Governor at the Teatro Amazonas
the Governor

The richly decorated with central red curtains and a large coat opens only to the Governor, and has already received the Pope. Already the other cabins were auctioned for the richest of the city could watch the shows, Nowadays open to sell as anywhere else in the theater.

details the columns of the theatre
details the columns of the theatre

The beautiful ceiling paintings were made by the artist Pernambuco Chua do Amaral. The Division of the scenes on the ceiling remind the Eiffel Tower viewed from below. The chandelier is made with more than 200 kg of bronze. The "carrancas" at the top of the columns represent the Greek Theatre and the names below are of important musicians and authors. Already the big mouth cloth with the closing scene on top of the coat of arms, represents the end of the monarchy and the beginning of the Republic.

reatratando mouth cloth the end of monarchy
reatratando mouth cloth the end of monarchy

In the hallway, a closet a few historical items as well as examples of the ceramic tiles that adorn the outside the huge dome of the theatre. 35 thousand pieces of enameled and glazed pottery from Alsace, a region in France, form an analogy with the flag of Brazil.

historical items on display at the Teatro Amazonas
historical items on display
Dome of the Amazonas Theater view from the balcony of Hotel Saint Paul
Dome seen from the balcony of our hotel

In addition to the ceramic tiles, crystal chandelier parts coming from Murano, staying at the Hall and was restored in 1990 are exposed, as well as old signposts Theatre among other old parts. But the most interesting is undoubtedly an example of "cobblestone" worn around the theater, where they put rubber in your composition, to silence the noise of chariots and horses ' hoof, so no sound disturbed the shows, Genius is not?

detail of the Teatro Amazonas and the rubberized Parallelepiped
attention to the “rubber brick”

Follow our tour on the second floor. Look in a mirror in the hallway, He is called the mirror of truth because it is made with two layers of Crystal and due to that reflect more real than any other. The view from the second floor to the audience has your special charm, and it's a great opportunity for photos from other angles.

mirror of truth of the Teatro Amazonas and detail of your frame
the blogueirinhas in the mirror of truth
view from the second floor of the Teatro Amazonas
view from the second floor of the Teatro Amazonas

In The Hall, which was only opened to the public in 1901, has beautiful ceiling paintings of the Italian artist, Domenico de Angelis, These paintings worked with perspective technique, so the goddess painted always seems to be looking at you no matter where you walk, I tested hehehe. The floor of the Hall is made of various types of wood like, Magnus and oak. The variation in the types of wood creates a beautiful work like marquetry. Although columns appear marble are plaster, the excellent paint job that deceiving "the people.

I'm not like Sao Tome but love test these things
I'm not like Sao Tome but love test these things
detail for the false " column" the chandelier and marble imported from Murano
detail for the column “false” the chandelier and marble imported from Murano
view from the balcony of the second floor
view from the balcony of the second floor

A child's passion in the second floor is the replica with almost 30 thousand pieces of Lego Theater-Manaus. In the 60 the Lego set up this model in your headquarters in Denmark and how they had a factory in Manaus, sent to the branch manauara, until they closed the factory and the theater of Lego was abandoned underground, When the company Recofarma settled in the old building of the Lego and found the model, donating to the theater in March 2001. But wait, the model is gray, the theater is pink… ? In the 60 the theatre was painted gray due to the military dictatorship. Still on the second floor, a guard room models to stage operas and some costumes. Already the last room for which we spend has some instruments on display.

Julia and the replica in the Lego Teatro Amazonas
happy child on the side of the monument of Lego

It wouldn't be a post of mine if you don't talk shop! Most of the items in the sale has more to do with the Indians than with the theatre or the universe of ballets, operas and concerts. Many necklaces, baskets, jugs…Obviously got a magnet theater, one of the few items that escapes from the list I mentioned, but I was a little disappointed not to have a guide, brochure or book a place as beautiful as the Teatro Amazonas.

souvenirs shop of the Teatro Amazonas
souvenirs shop of the Teatro Amazonas

Look, If lack of designer, We're there! hehehe
Oh yes! I almost forgot the Teatro Amazonas has a super friendly coffee, called “La Gioconda Caffé” with side entrance, Valley pass.

Cafe Teatro Amazonas
Cafe Teatro Amazonas

Thanks to Roberta that guide was super nice and helpful during the visit, good guides make all the difference in these tours. Thank you Patricia for company visit, It's very nice to meet the bloggers who talk only on the internet.

Thanks for the company Patricia = D
Thanks for the company Patricia = D

Tip of the out of Touch – Teatro Amazonas

The theatre has several shows and festivals. It's worth checking out what's on at the box office, to have the pleasure of watching a show at the Teatro Amazonas. Sometimes the attractions are free, in December I just wasn't watching because I was so tired that I was afraid to sleep and embarrassment.

Important information – Teatro Amazonas

Ticket $10
Schedule Tuesday to Saturday, from 9:00 to 5:00 pm | Sunday and Monday, from 9:00 to 2:00 pm
Address AV. Eduardo Ribeiro, 659 Center


– Additional historical information taken from the site tour Criticism and Amazon Culture




2 thoughts to “The grandiose Teatro Amazonas”

    1. Exactly! I think it's great whenever you have that option, even more when the visit is so rich so. =) Keep following us

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