Wire Opera House in Curitiba

Surely one of the most famous spots of Curitiba, the wire Opera House is beautiful and fascinating. She is just a few kilometres from the city centre in the Pillar where formerly operated a quarry. At the end of a bridge, also delicate, the Opera is surrounded by native forest, cliffs of the old quarry, and a lake with fish, the delicate strokes of the structure with its translucidas walls make it look like something out of a fairy tale.

entrance to the wire Opera House
entrance to the wire Opera House

The Opera was built on top of the design by the architect Dominic Bongestabs, Professor in the Department of architecture and urbanism of the UFPR, with the proposal to integrate as much as possible the construction with the landscape. For the structure of the Opera were used 360 tons of steel tubular and its roof made of transparent polycarbonate. Its structure was assembled in amazing 75 days and opened in 18 March 1992, had the capacity to 2.400 persons , its banks are wire mesh and your stage of 400 m ² is prepared for various types of presentations. In its opening housed the piece A Midsummer night's dream, at the opening of the first Festival of Theater of Curitiba. Currently, After reforms and issues conservation and safety the wire Opera House has the capacity to 1.572 persons , Although in the entry saying that capacity is 2.920 persons .

crossing the bridge
crossing the bridge
view of the bridge
view of the bridge

On the outside she's beautiful, but inside the light through the transparent ceiling she gets even more beautiful, We came to visit at the end of the afternoon, won't take long because it had a graduation starting. Inside still has a bar with food and drinks.

detail of the facade
detail of the facade
the inner part of the Opera
the inner part of the Opera

The side of the wire Opera House is the Pedreira Paulo Leminski. Where is still used for concerts and events due to their incrediblel acoustics, with a capacity for about of 20.000 people outdoors, has been setting for the staging of the passion of Christ. Together with the Opera they make up the Parque das Quarries. The quarry did not yield to visit, was with the gates closed. Next time visit, because we plan to be back soon.

Extra – A liqueur with name somewhat doubtful

My curiosity simply wouldn't let me pass in nice souvenir shop which is located in front of the wire Opera House, with countless warnings from outside and a VW Beetle on a body abandoned, simply couldn't let pass unnoticed the product that the store announced. Fuck liqueur. I entered the intention to buy a bottle to take as a souvenir for my father, but they don't sell the bottle, only the dose. The proposal is more for people to meet Portuguese delicacy. You can take just the dose or pay a little more and take the missed dose and take a mini souvenir mug. I couldn't resist and I took canequinha. Like all liquor is sweet, they serve ice cream which alleviates the sweet taste since I'm not a big fan of sugar (judge me). The liquor is made from milk, also vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon, sugar and citrus fruits. It's quite yummy and strong. Did some research on the internet fast and the name of the liqueur has the following source: "In 1974 the liqueur was Shit. Portugal passed through a troubled period marked by the struggle between the left and the right. In this context, Fuck liqueur was created to “honor” some authorities who then ruled Portugal. Almost a joke (especially the name) a serious case of sales. "

a lost soul for the liquor
a lost soul for the liquor
Super survived and even took a photo with the canequinha who took home
Super survived and even took a photo with the canequinha who took home

Important information – Wire Opera House

Ticket: Free
Schedule: Monday Closed / Tuesday to Sunday from 8:00 to 7:00 pm

Tip of Fora da Toca

Enjoy you're already parked and meet the shop across the street filled with souvenirs of Curitiba and sample the liqueur with a name beyond doubtful. I tasted it and I survived, haha!!

If you are by car be sure to face more 4 km, More or less 5 min to meet the Tanguá Park! Confers on our post so you can animate to know more this attraction.

– Wire Opera historical information taken from geographical Guide site Curitiba, Wikipedia and Curitiba City Hall / History of shit site Garrafeira National retreat –

3 thoughts to “Wire Opera House in Curitiba”

  1. This store was mine. I had a great time and made several friends by having this liqueur in my store. Those who drink forget more.

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