The charming Largo do Boticário

Hidden amidst the buildings in the bustling Rua das Laranjeiras Largo do Boticário overflows quiet in contrast with its surroundings. The air extremely bucolic if merges with abandonment, and deterioration of buildings. Yet, abandoned half-forgotten, Largo do Boticário is much sought after for photographic essays and even events. […]

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Burano and the colorful houses

We left towards Murano Burano. During our crossing (7km far from Venice) the weather decided to give a relieved. This time we got lucky and went on stools "exclusive" from the back of the vaporetto. To access Burano, In addition to the vaporetto you can follow by land across the bridge to Mazzorbo (one of the islands of Venice ). We arrived […]

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Wire Opera House in Curitiba

Surely one of the most famous spots of Curitiba, the wire Opera House is beautiful and fascinating. She is just a few kilometres from the city centre in the Pillar where formerly operated a quarry. At the end of a bridge, also delicate, the Opera is surrounded by native forest, cliffs of the old quarry, and […]

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