A 18 km to the waterfall of Smokey

Yes, the title is a little sensationalist haha, the trail that leads us to one of the pearls of the Chapada Diamantina actually has six miles round trip of six miles back. 18km is just the total hehe. If you are interested in making this a day of separate track your trip. Are you wondering if you're going to want to do it or not? I think this post may help you decide. This waterfall was almost a prerequisite in our journey. Since Leo had gone once and made a point of return.

Demos mole let for short notice close to the fence and almost ran out of one for the trail. We did the night before closing with the Banai. We were afraid of the waterfall be without water. We took a time complicated by the fact the rains are late and falls (d)’ water are virtually dry, Yet we face make the trail, but only after asking a thousand times the Guide assured me would have water ( even that little ) falling, After all 18 km of track to N-A-D-A is to die.

Pousada Flor de Lótus, just wonderful
Pousada Flor de Lótus, just wonderful

The Inn where we stayed, Lotus Flower, is more than accustomed to the timetables, Let's just say, exotics, for trails, and the guests return exhausted. For this they have a special breakfast served before for those who need to leave. Conception was extremely attentive to us, always wondering if I was missing something, or if the food was good. By the way the food is delicious, a perfect dinner for anyone who is tired and doesn't want to think about going to the city centre.

We got to the track with the tight time, praying not to fall a foot d ´ water since last time when Leo was a storm. Soon on arrival the friendly black decided to join us on the trail. What's not to love?

know the Olympics do Faustão? So... that was the feeling hahahaha | of course for the black I
know the Olympics do Faustão? So… that was the feeling hahahaha | of course for the black I

The trail begins across the River in a quiet part, the stones and after entering the Woods between ups and downs but nothing too hard. Meanwhile the thin black earth of the trail rises and begins to stick to the half (I'll post the outfit end of half). We left the Woods and started advance on the river, from Boulder in Boulder, and I (hot always) atochei my foot in a part with water.

coming out of the woods you find with this landscape's amazing!
coming out of the woods you find with this landscape…It's amazing!

Leo, Ed and Roberta, are more than used to track, the ship here not, I've been back a few times but everyone had patience with me ( Thanks!! = D ). The rain decided to give the guys more or less halfway, but nothing unbearable, everyone well equipped, We close our coats proof d ´ water and covered the bags with covers. Mine came with a recessed on the bottom, is very practical (You can see in the picture ). After the rain stops, We made a brief break for a snack in one of the wells on the way.

come come come come
come come come come
pause for a snack
pause for a snack

The trail takes a while, of course, but the landscape is beautiful and compensates, going down the River was dry made the ride more beautiful than if we went more for the middle of the Woods. We had a chance encounter, When we sat on a rock on the way, on our side it was a snake vine, they are usually Brown or green and stay on shrubs and trees. Are not poisonous but always good to maintain respect and distance. Photographed and we found nearby, the skin she'd just change, Maybe that's why she was so quiet, should be tired, Since from what I read the instinct one is running, In addition to being very hectic. We crossed with other groups that have warned they found more 2 vine trail snakes above.

abandoned and the snake skin cipo giving the air of grace on our walk
abandoned and the snake skin cipo giving the air of grace on our walk

Life that follows, the trail continues. The trail in the woods have small parts of ascent in rocks, called "boulder", It is a technique of climbing without equipment, in the case with danger near zero since there were very complex passage. As we approach, the canyon where the waterfall hides opens slowly, and we wondered how all that incredible view graduated.

Vista coming | a view from the inside out
Vista coming | a view from the inside out

Another group crossed us and warned about a hive right at the gateway to the waterfall. We all looked at each other quickly, After all a hive is something really dangerous if you move. Guide instructions, spend well glued on stone, don't make any noise and no matter what, don't kill any bee, or we would feed all the other. It was a moment half a mission impossible but we're doing pretty well. Another boulder to get bigger rocks, and we face with a cricket, look, I've never seen one that big in my life, He should be about 15 cm.

Cricket clearly genetically changed...
Cricket clearly genetically altered…

The waterfall falls low in the dark of the Canyon, listen to the sound of water was a relief, After all the track had not been in vain. The veil of water that was formed was very delicate, Live was bad for view, imagine with the camera lens. The cloudy day didn't help much, but when the Sun solve out amongst the clouds you could view the beautiful and delicate fall of Smokey, fall which has about 290m.

my favorite photo
my favorite photo | Back to get Ed!!
group photo
group photo

The will's post 500 photos of people from Fumacina but I will try to control myself. The boys cheered and if played in the water, was too cold! I refused, to pq I feel cold with anything. I used to be photographing, I just want to make millions of pictures of numerous angle to try to capture the wonder of the place, but it's no use, There's no photo that can represent what is to be there.

me feel insignificant in relation to nature is one of the most wonderful things
me feel insignificant in relation to nature is one of the most wonderful things
down the Boulder | now divine stone
down the Boulder | now divine stone

Down the Boulder without seeing where doing the foot is more tense than it looks, because in reality he's not sooooo high, but you can't just jump on a lot of low stone, We follow the orders of the same. While the boys decided to go to the waterfall the Sun came out doing a ray divine in rock in the middle of the well. After enjoying the view, have a snack and catch my breath. We took our backpacks and set off to get the trail back. As we walked down the river, We enjoyed the Sun and stopped in one of the wells ( What we did in the snack on the way ) and play in the water (Hallelujah!) I don't we encourage us in Roberta wet in Smokey, the water was very cold and Sun was not favoring our side.

returning from tour the Sun opened and we were able to enjoy the well
returning from tour the Sun opened and we were able to enjoy the well
be playing and jumping and shooting the jumps was extremely fun
be playing and jumping and shooting the jumps was extremely fun, I super recommend
" boulderzinho" basics on back
“boulderzinho” basics on back

At the end the trail looks that never ends, We were dying to get in the car. To get back where we left the car confirmed that Brazil is good entrepreneur. The owner of the House where we stopped the car sells Sugarcane juice brewing with ice! After walking ( for those who enjoy broth ) nothing better. Already on the road yet we stopped at a small places to eat coxinha jaca and take natural juice. We had a drink that was bad.

freshly squeezed sugar cane juice
freshly squeezed sugar cane juice

Already at the Inn, life with farofa, did this beautiful record to send to my mother, a beauty pair of socks. After bathing the porch fell like a glove before dinner in the restaurant of the Pousada Flor de Lótus. The car is almost the last day of the trip was somewhat, Let's just say…dirty.

status of wet shoes (just the shoe because his foot kept dry)  during the trail and back to the Inn
status of wet shoes (just the shoe because his foot kept dry) during the trail and back to the Inn
NET is life | the looks of this car
NET is life | the looks of this car

Liked the post? Was excited to meet the Chapada Diamantina? Click here, see how was the script of this trip and meet other wonderful attractions in the Chapada.

Tip of Fora da Toca – Smokey falls

For this you better ride schedule in advance, book a full day and combine with the guide in advance, all are very requested.
Take a snack for the road is long, How to take depends on the hunger of each hehehe. The kit of the Inn had 2 sandwiches, juice box, a bottle of water, Apple, banana, Granola bar and a bottle of juice.
We still had (each) a reservoir of water in the bag, mine for example took 3 liters.
Of breaks, neurotic I am, I still spent the whole trip with 2 rolls of bandage and tape in case someone (or I quite possibly) the terminal cancer walk.
To arrive at the entrance of the trail takes a car, We rented a Duster that super worked for all adventures.
I have to remember to take filter and spray right?

Important Information – Smokey falls

Our guide as I spoke was the Banai, He was super attentive to us, If you want to repeat the Guide follows the contact
+77 991516431

Guide value
R$ 80 per person ( Jan 2017)
Track time – more than 3:00
Track extension – approximately 9 km (IDA)
Track level – demanding

The waterfall as the name says is Smokey, so it's a delicate waterfall, always good to check with the guide if you're going to have water to enjoy the waterfall, We almost didn't see.

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