Central Park Zoo

Who never saw Madagascar and if charmed by Alex, Glory, Melman, Marty and the adorable penguins? Going to New York I could not look upon the Central Park Zoo Home these nice animated characters.

The Central Park Zoo is relatively small for a Zoo, especially if you compare to the Bronx ( I was after is awesome! ), It was opened in 1860 being the first in New York. He has undergone reforms in 1964 and another great around the years 80 reopening in 1988, with a more natural and less cages, the way we know it today.

the central part of the Central Park Zoo sea lion pool
the central part of the Central Park Zoo sea lion pool

The entrance to the zoo is a brick portal with bells on top where animal sculptures rotate when the clock strikes. Is cute. Enter the zoo and don't remember Madagascar is difficult since the aesthetics of the film is quite equal to the place. Spoiler alert!! Good to know for those who go with small children. There's no lion, or giraffe, or zebra in the zoo, be careful to not let the little ones. But has the penguins, a room of their own, We're going to get there.

map of the Central Park Zoo
map of the Central Park Zoo

I think the main attraction of the Central Park Zoo's sea lion pool. She is right in the center of the zoo and it is possible to admire it while strolling through Central Park. The pool has an outline of glass that allows you to view the animals swimming, pretty cool!

sea lions are cute too
sea lions are cute too

Each room we passed had a zoo employee who explained a little about the animal of that place. I thought it was super cool, Since many times we absorb more talking than reading plates. In one of those conversations we found out that the beautiful red pandas, I don't really have any kinship with the pandas, of origin of the mountainous regions of the Himalayas and southern China, This nice little bug has nocturnal habits but I was lucky to register him awake.

Panda- Red
Panda- Red

Despite being one of the main attractions of the Park the Snow Leopard not kicked, I got the memory card…

Snow Leopard a beauty that I didn't see
Snow Leopard a beauty that I didn't see

Even if it's not a super attraction, the ducks in the Central Park Zoo are beautiful! The colors and shapes of feathers are perfect.

ducklings of the zoo
ducklings of the zoo

One of the areas most of the Zoo was the tropical zone ( that irony? ). As it was winter the temperature difference from outside to the nursery was glaring! The point that the camera lens got blurry and I had to wait a long time until you can shoot again.

some of the birds of the tropical zone
some of the birds of the tropical zone

Many birds are released in the nursery, for those who are afraid is a good opportunity to lose him or run away when the Peacock resolves fly. Yes the Peacock flies, and some very strange noises hahaha.

Peacock on the last branch of the tree
Peacock on the last branch of the tree

Even in tropical zone I found this baby, a lot of people hate, but I sympathize, of course, She and I. This is the Arambóia or snake parrot that we have here on Amazon . They are not poisonous and has a habit of spending hours on the poke over the trees. Not being poisonous doesn't mean the bite won't hurt hehehe.


The Central Park Zoo is an attraction not to be missed in New York, but for those who like, have time and money left over, it's worth the visit. If you are looking for a more complete zoo, the Bronx Zoo is awesome! You can learn about it here ( COMING SOON ).

Tip Fora da Toca – Central Park Zoo

It's nice to check out the daily schedule of the Zoo on the site, There you can view the schedules of some of the animals feed.

Important Information – Central Park Zoo

Includes the main Zoo, Tisch Children's Zoo and ’ 1 entrance to the 4-D Theater
Adult +13 years – $18
Senior +65 years – $15
Kids 3 the 12 years – $13
Child 2 or less – FOR FREE

Buying the site has 10% discount, but for us people with IOF on the card and not so worth it.

April to November – 10h to 5:30 pm ( last entry 30 min before the end time )
December to March – 10h to 4:30 pm ( last entry 30 min before the end time )

64th Street & 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10065

2 thoughts to “Central Park Zoo”

  1. I've been on the door a few times but I've never been, I figured it was a small Zoo. And the Bronx I visited and also found great!

    1. That's that, I ended up going because it was also my first trip and didn't have much sense of the options hehe thanks the experience.

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