What it's like to go with Master Motors to Marajó

Comfort, practicality and speed. When united in a single transport on the journey is perfection. The Dolphin Express for Marajó is all I asked for and a little more.

Where to embark for Marajó

To go to Marajó Island of Dolphin Express, you need to take the boat at the De Belém Waterway Terminal, “Luiz Rebelo Neto”, is close to the docks station and the infrastructure of the terminal is very cool. It has a snack bar, Shop, bathroom, plus tables and chairs to wait for the boat.

Purchase of tickets

The sale of tickets to Marajó with Master Motors is made directly at the counter in the waterway terminal. I recommend arriving at least 40 minutes before the time, or buy a few days before if possible. Unfortunately it's no use wanting to book via whatsapp, because they don't reserve place. So, just going directly into one of the terminals to buy the tickets.

You must present a document at the time of purchase, can be RH, CPF or CNH.
Children and adolescents under 16 years need judicial authorization to travel alone.
Excess baggage is charged, as well as transport of bicycles and animals, the value should be consulted with the sellers.
You still need to wear a mask during the trip.

How can not reserve the tip given by master motors' own manager is: set foot in Soure or Salvaterra, buy your ticket back, so there's no risk on the back of literally getting to see ships.


ATTENTION the sale of tickets at Master Motors is made only in cash or card in debit.

Cash has a small discount. From experience, recommend taking the value of the ticket in cash just through the doubts, since it can happen as happened to me the card machine being out of the air/broken. It's that old saying, Better be safe than sorry.

Master Motors window
attention to payment methods

Dolphin Express Times

Bethlehem > Salvaterra > Soure

second outputs, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:15 am | Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8:40 am

Service store Belém | 812:00 pm to 12:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Cel / Whatsapp (91) 981668297 | 5:00 am to 7:00 pm


Soure > Salvaterra >Bethlehem

departures Monday to Saturday 5:30 a.m.

Soure Store Service | 812:00 pm to 12:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm | Sunday and public holidays from 8am to 12pm
Cel / Whatsapp (91) 993310476 | 5:00 am to 7:00 pm


Be sure to check with one of the whatsapp numbers, updated hours and fare amounts, just send a hi, that their automatic response already comes with virtually all the information you need. If you don't solve it just keep talking and wait a while someone responds, if no one answer just do the old-fashioned way like the Incas and Aztecs and call hehehe.

— Shops do not open on Sundays and do not make reservations —

Master Motors window in Belém
Master Motors window in Soure

Boarding the Dolphin Express

Boarding is slightly tumultuous but nothing serious, nobody tries to run out in front , rio de Janeiro subway feelings. Upon entering the luggage is delivered to a guardian and placed in the trunk of the boat that is on the floor. Sgood job keeping with you the basics. Electronic, Boots, Documents, money, medicine, etc…. Summarizing, don't leave in the trunk anything you might need in the two-hour trip.

The boat is very comfortable and air-conditioned, factor more than important, especially if talking about Pará. As always I walk with a hungry kit in the backpack, for it's my dear followers not everything is glamour, for the time being, being able to save i'll be saving. But in case you haven't had time to buy a snack, the dolphin express has a mini kitchen that makes some breads on the plate and of course a coffee.

that smart snack on board =D
Master Motors' boat inside
he left to meet Marajó

Returning from Marajó

Soure's return was painful for a thousand reasons, still wanted to see so many things! Deep regret of staying alone 3 days, and the lap time… 5h30 in the morning, for someone who was in the rhythm of living the crazy life was sad…It's dawn right? As in Soure, the taxi fleet is small, it is important that you book your stoneware to the port a certain advance so as not to stand on foot. Despite the proximity of our hotel, we ended up choosing to take a taxi, due to ungrateful hours and the fear of missing the boat

"I didn't learn to say goodbye..."

While the airlines that went to Bethlehem did not even have alcohol to offer the organization and hygiene of Master Motors gave a bath of how to do. If you want to know how my flight experience was during the pandemic Click here. About the early hours, good part of coming back so early is that consequently you arrive early in Bethlehem and the day is not broken or lost in transportation. So you can still do a lot of things and explore the capital of Pará.

And you, has already made this crossing to Marajó Island with Master Motors? Tell us how it was!

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