Everything you need to know before you go to Marajó

Do you know where marajó island is?

To my great surprise to tell you about this trip, many friends and acquaintances had no idea where Marajó was. You may not even know, but I assure you that you've had tired of seeing on the map of Brazil. So I'm going to set you up real quick..

The island of Marajó is part of Pará. Up on our map. This little island nothing, is the largest marine island in the WORLD measuring 40.100 km ² .

Fluviomarine because it is bathed so much by rivers, as well as by the sea at the same time, cool right?

zoom in GoogleEarth | source: Google Earth

How can you notice the gif, and in the mileage described, the island is enormeeeee. Its main cities are Salvaterra and Soure, the latter considered the capital of the island.

Marajó is also known for the large amount of buffalo that inhabit there, there are so many that the average is 2 per inhabitant, leaving the island with its 320,000 buffalo ( approximately ) behind just india in quantity in the world. But the story of the buffaloes I'll leave for another post.

Now that we are all situated on the map of Brazil bora for the tips for when they go to visit marajó.

How to get to Marajó Island?

If you are not a rich farmer or have contact with one of them to arrive by plane, the options you have left are for the same water.

If you have no plans to take a car to Marajó, recommend going from Master Moto Dolphin Expressrs. The crossing from Bethlehem to Soure takes 2hours. The boat is super comfortable, and with goodwill of the weather conditions is a mega quiet ride. If you Click here can read my full post on the crossing with all the ticket buying tips etc..

turistona arriving in Soure
dolphin express inside

Now if you're going to take your car to Marajó, just going by ferry even. Then the crossing gets longer, about of 3 hours and something and much less comfortable, but you arrive the same way. The values of the crossing with the ferry of the Henvil Navigation will depend on your transportation, car, bike, bus etc.… and detail, besides her leaving another port in Bethlehem, she leaves you in Camará, and the route to Soure or Salvaterra has to be done by road.

type of ferry used to transport cars and trucks to marajó

How to walk on Marajó Island


Like I said before, Marajó is an island enormeeee, and even the “capital”, Soure, it's not all slacked. Due to the quality of the land in the cities, the cars suffer there, which makes maintaining them expensive and complicated since you have to go to Bethlehem for this.Because of the high costs, the tabled value of taxis is very salty! As soon as you get into Soure several taxi drivers are waiting to take you to your hotel.

Luciano | 91 8872-3636
91 8569-8501

Motorcycle taxi

Much more into account than taxis, especially if you're alone, Moto-Taxis are quite common by Soure, I have medinho of riding a motorcycle so I left this mission with owner Vivi.
Thiaguinho | 91 8481-8803 | 91 8987-8031

taxi racing figures in Soure de 2021


You don't know how to ride a bike? (C)orre that there's still time, learn before going to Marajó. Believe me, you're going to need, is the most important/fast means of transport in the city of Soure and resolves the commute for most tours.

Another advantage of the bike is its autonomy to ride wherever you want, and come back whenever you want. On the beach of Barra Velha for example, has no signal, then you need to combine in advance with the taxi or motorcycle taxi driver, a time for the rescue.

The streets in Soure have no names, but numbers. To find yourself, basically you count how many crossings will pass. But don't count on too many signs, even though it seems simple we get confused, and that's how I couldn't find Dona Cecilda's ice cream parlor. But google maps GPS works wonderfully well, goes in faith that is of good.

by bike by barra velha beach
Glamour of pedaling in the surreal rain shower

Soure vs. Salvaterra

If you are in Soure or Salvaterra, and want to know the opposite city you need to take the ferry that takes only 10 minutes to cross the Paracauari River, it works daily. These are the two largest cities on the island, where most hostels and hotels are.

It all depends on your plans, of course, but on account of infrastructure and attractions I suggest staying in Soure. The options for staying are different, we stayed in the Pousada O Canto do Francês, that's super well located, very comfortable and with a divine breakfast.

Click here to see how the stay went.

Where to eat in Marajó

Ice cream

One of my (several) addictions acquired on this trip was the drunk milk ice cream, it's very wonderful! The traditional place to eat this ice cream is in the Ilha Bela Pousada e Restaurante, which is facing the river and has a privileged place to enjoy the sunset in Soure. Besides you can give the luck of meeting with the ice cream poster boy, the famous German buffalo.

good ice cream and sunset, need something else?
be sure to prove

Local Food

If you want to know typical dishes of Marajó Island, a very traditional place is solar do Bola. The menu has many options, from super common dishes, on very local requests, such as dishes based on buffalo meat or the exotic Turu. That I ate!

Click here to see the full post of pará foods.

Delicious dish of buffalo steak with buffalo mozzarella

Tours and Attractions

As I said before, most of the main attractions of Marajó Island are in Soure. But that doesn't leave Salvaterra behind with other options as interesting as. I'm going to list to you what's on each side, even if a little away from the center of every city.


Fishing Beach

10km from the center of Soure, The beach of Pesqueiro is one of the most famous beaches of the Island. Due to the distance I ended up not going by bike, but on the next visit I will not stop visiting.

Fishing Beach | Photo: Soure Prefecture

Barra Velha Beach

Being the closest beach to the city of Soure, only 3.5km from the center is to be expected furdunço and chaos, but Barra Velha Beach delivers a little piece of paradise accessible and close to all.

Click here to see the full post.

stunning beach

Caju-Una Beach

Far to the déda of the center of Soure, 15,5km, about 30min by car, 50 min bike, will I have the courage to ride there? Cashew Beach- Una is the farthest from the center, its peace and tranquility makes it considered paradisiacal.

Caju-Una beach | Photo: Solar Encanto do Marajó

Sky Beach

Also far from the center of Soure as Caju-Una beach however a cadim less. The beach of Céu has its access made by boat, it is possible to reach by walking through the sand to the paria of Caju-Una.

Sky Beach| Photo: Solar Encanto do Marajó

Goiabal Beach

Located within the lands of Fazenda São Gerônimo, the beach of Goiabal is gigantic and magical!!! Currently your access is only allowed through the tours offered by the farm

Goiabal beach on the grounds of Fazenda São Gerônimo

Mironga Farm

known for the manufacture of buffalo milk and derivatives, Mironga Farm offers a visit on its land, entitled to tasting the items it produces. But attention has a minimum amount of 3 visitors for the visit to take place, so, the lonely me and Vivi, we gave face at the door. Yet we enjoyed a little bit of the farm garden and visited the shop they have, where you choose what you want, takes and leaves the money in the box.

Click here to see the almost complete post.

enjoying the rocker at Mironga Farm

São Geronimo Farm

Perhaps marajó's most famous farm, they offer buffalo ride and walk through the farm which has several breathtaking beautiful scenery. There even, that happened the third edition of reality on the edge. During the walk through the grounds you can still bump into the totems used.

Click here to see the full post.

NO LIMIT totem

Ateliê Arte Mangue Marajó

Marajoara pottery is one of the most famous in Brazil, and sand you, just like i love a regional art, you can't miss visiting the Atelier. In addition to dozens of ceramic options for purchase, since cups, pendants to large sculptures, you can take a marajoara pottery class and dive for a few hours into the local culture.

Click here to see the full post.

Me and Mariele after the marajoara pottery workshop, teacher note 10 =)

Tannery art Leather Marajó

Another very traditional art of the Island are the works in buffalo leather. In leather art tannery, besides you visit the store that's full of options for handbags and shoes, you can know the whole process of preparation and manufacture of the parts.

Click here to see the full post.

us and the various types of buffalo that has in marajó

Caruanas Hands
Mãos Caruanas produces Natural Ceramic Jewelry inspired by the ancient designs left by the Marajoara civilization. In addition to other local handicrafts, worth a lot to visit.

one of the jewels made by caruanas hands

Mother Catholic Church

The church is pretty simplistic, and from what I've seen, its façade changes color with some frequency, but worth a quick pass, the floor as always in this type of construction is beautiful and deserves a click.

church façade

Soure Municipal Market

The market is more directed to the same local people, with sales of fruits and other foods. It's worth passing rapidim just to meet.

Meet the mounted police of Soure and the Baratinha

One of the most cute peculiarities of Marajó is the fact that the mounted police are mounted in Buffalo, and not on horses as it is typically. The nice and nothing little pets, work 3x a week from 7am to 12pm, and you can meet the patrol duo through the city streets or arrive early and follow the whole process toof them come out like I did.
Click here to see the full post.

me and Batatinha


Due to a dumb planning error of mine, stayed fewer days than I should on the island, i couldn't visit Salvaterra and its beaches and attractions. But I'm going to give you a summum here.

Praia Grande de Salvaterra

Considered the main beach of marajó island, has a good infra of bars and restaurants. Ta on the list now on the next visit.

Grande de Salvaterra beach | Photo: Curious

Joanes Beach

Beyond the beautiful beach, Joanes houses the ruins of the Church built by franciscan priests. The ruins have suffered several depredations over the years as the theft of blocks and graffiti, until they reach the current state.

Joanes beach and its ruins | Photo: Bruna Brandon (Mtur)

Miguelão hole

Miguelão's hole is a “shortcut” by an iguapó made by locals, many years ago to connect two sides of the river. The tour takes place by boat with the right to dive. This is SUPER on the list on my return to Marajó.

Miguelão hole | Photo: Bruna Brandon (Mtur)

The Marajó Museum

Recently renovated and reopened after 2 years of works, the Marajó Museum, is in the city of Santa Cruz do Arari about 70km from the center of Salvaterra. Despite the distance the exposed material, in a collection of more than 4 thousand pieces looks amazing. One of the most interesting things in the museum is the appeal to visitor interaction and the possibility of playing in various installations.
The Marajó Museum was founded and directed by the Italian Jesuit Priest, Giovanni Gallo informally in 1972. The old building that housed the museum was a vegetable oil factory, and now beautifully reformed is unrecognizable.

brand new Marajó Museum | Photo: Bruno Cecim / Ag.Para

What to bring, and wait when going to Marajó Island

Disposition and legs for what I want you to

As I said earlier, thighs and feet prepared to walk and bike around the island are essential to know and enjoy this destination. Unless you count on transfer, private car or play the tabled flags of taxis from there.

Sunscreen obviously
without further ado, light and pass. Little Riding Hood goes well too, with cordinha not to go flying.

The one of the rain paraense

You know that talk of “see us after the rain” who say of Bethlehem ? So, it applies equally in Marajó, therefore, be prepared for blows (Fierce) random rain during the day. My tip bring a good raincoat to your backpack or those waterproof backpacks like waterproof bag, in my opinion the bag is more guaranteed, especially if you have multiple electronics.

A mosquito bothers a lot of people….

The famous northern carapanãs have no common sense or working hours, even in the morning with sun and wind the dares made a point of making a presence on the beach. A good repellent is very important in your suitcase, as well as an antiallergic (for any trip in my opinion). I notice soon that the famous OFF and Repelex did not serve anything in this thankless battle, the only one that took effect was the Zaz. Already in the tips of the locals, they recommended the Rosental Mutamba Hair Oil that sells in any pharmacy there and costs a few 5 story, site tip is always shot and fall.

how to survive mosquitoes

Buffaloes everywhere

Don't be alarmed by people going along with buffalo all over town., it is extremely common, alone or in flocks, resting in the shade or weeding, sure you stumble with some, but rest assured they don't give a damn about us. eventually the night you can take a fright with one of them in the shadows just as i took, but it was nothing but scare beast even, he kept lying down watching me pass.

buffaloes on every corner


This item is actually practically a request for help to all biologists on duty. When the sun goes down and the frogs start singing in the ditches of the city, a specific species assoviates as a human being, it's pretty weird, and to this day it was the only place I heard that sound. Who knows the frog responsible thank you for killing my curiosity.

$$ Money aaaa

Although virtually all establishments have a credit card machine, including barra velha beach stalls, the signal is not always reliable, so it's good to take some cash to avoid headache.

Mobile operators

Can you imagine my joy when I arrived at Marajó and listen to the joke while stretching my arm with my cell phone looking for a sign at the door of the inn, “your phone is TIM? ihh here is fooled you, doesn't work” so if you can, go with Claro or Vivo to ensure some connection, or just disconnect from the world and be happy hehe.

Do you have any more tips for you to visit marajó?

Share with us in the comments, that as the list grows we're updating the post around here too!

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