LEGO, the colorful little pieces like you've never seen in the exhibition The Art of the Brick

For those who already follow the blog is nothing new to my passion for LEGO. So no more happy than join 2 things I love, exposure and LEGO. The Art of The Brick has arrived in Brazil in 2016 starting from São Paulo and come to the River at the beginning of December 2016.
Note that the exhibition was extended until day -5 th February 2017, Yet the time!

Entrance to the exhibition
Entrance to the exhibition

82 works of Nathan Sawaya and over 1 million little pieces of plastic form the exhibition Art of The Brick. Nathan graduated in law at the University of New York, After several years working in the area discovered he was much happier when I sat down to build his sculptures. So, decided to leave the world of law and dive headlong into artistic area.

This wall is all made of Lego-shaped boxes, I have a box of this type is crazy
This wall is all made of Lego-shaped boxes, I have a box of this type is crazy


chess pieces made of LEGO
chess pieces made of LEGO

Nowadays the artist occupies a prominent position in the world of contemporary art. He reveals that he likes to use LEGO bricks as expression because it is a material familiar to people. He says: "Use LEGO in my creative process because it is a handy toy. It is very likely that you do not have a block of marble or ceramic oven at home. But I bet there's a set of LEGO pieces. "

This show is awesome for many reasons. Huge sculptures made with the colorful little pieces delight and impress anyone who passes through the rooms. The fact that they are made with pieces of a children's toy could turn this exposure into something aimed at children. But each choice of artist's sculpture is profound and intriguing. It is not difficult to us to recognize them, adult angst represented with pieces of a toy from our childhood, is extremely contrasted. In addition to the original sculptures there is a session just with reproductions of famous works like in LEGO ( one of my favorites ) the winged victory of Samothrace.

Lego copy of the sculpture of the winged victory of Samothrace
Lego copy of the sculpture of the winged victory of Samothrace

My Boy Sculpture (left) According to Nathan: “Loss combined with love: This is one of the recurring themes in my work. My Boy sculpture is based on a touching story that my parents told me. Soon after hearing it, I started working on this sculpture, In conclusion-almost two months later.”

Sculpture Grasp (right): “Whatever your secret desires, There will always be someone who will try to stop you from achieving them. The greatest challenge in life is to find the strength to escape these bonds. I created this sculpture as a response to all those who gave me a “No”, face to face. I wanted to keep away those kinds of people.”

My sculptures boy and Grasp
My sculptures boy and Grasp

The place chosen for the exhibition is one of my favorite museums in Rio, the national historical Museum. He for himself only ever worth the visit, Since their permanent collection at the time of the monarchy is very sick. Upon entering we passed quickly through some richly adorned carriages, the wheel is as big as ( my huge 1, 68 cm, Yes is 1, 68 cm.. I would love it to be 1, 70 cm ).

chatting with my friend Red - Red Sculpture Guy Sitting
chatting with my friend Red – Red Sculpture Guy Sitting

In the face of the large sculptures of plastic bits one of the first things that crosses your mind is how to transport without disassembly, since they are pieces to fit with the proposal to assemble and disassemble. For that Nathan has developed a special glue for the sculptures become permanent. The problem of this glue is that if you want to change something during the process (After colada) It takes a lot more than the little orange LEGO tool to drop piece, only with pliers and chisel.

Incomplete sculpture | Exhibition Art of the Brick
Incomplete sculpture | Exhibition Art of the Brick

To materialize their creations Nathan begins making a draft on paper, He carries everywhere a notebook to jot down your ideas, Since most of his creations involve people, emotions and your daily life. Only after, He relies on his arsenal of more than 4 milhões parts stored in their workshops in New York and Los Angeles.

Despite the exhibition selling tickets in advance over the internet, and on a schedule that did not prevent the rooms remained full all, worth arriving early to watch the introductory video and enjoy stop admiring the sculptures. Success is undeniable and the fascination of the visitors also.

Hi 5!
Hi 5!
Red, Yellow and Blue face mask
Red, Yellow and Blue face mask

To accompany the exhibition you can download the app on Play Store or in the ITunes, where you have an audio guide of the exhibition as well as details of each work as the dimensions, year and amount of used parts, remembering that needs internet connection to work. The first part of the exhibition's works more and some more 2D frames made with the parts. The second part is focused on the reproductions of famous works like the scream and the Kiss.

a few more of the original sculpture of Nathan
a few more of the original sculpture of Nathan
The kiss and Cry
The kiss and Cry

And sculptures as Julio Cesar, Venus de Milo and David, I guarantee that the photos do not do justice to the sculptures.

some of the reproductions of famous sculptures
some of the reproductions of famous sculptures

Obviously not posted all the works not to lose the grace of the exhibition, but I chose my favorite to illustrate the post. It's fascinating to see what Nathan can do with the little pieces colored, I felt kind of ignorant never tried to do anything like my, It's very inspiring.

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