Climbing a dormant volcano , as we got to the Vesuvius

As long as I can remember I have a fascination with the history of Vesuvius and Pompeii. For me, It's always been hard to imagine the power of a volcano about to disappear, not with one but, with 2 large cities at the time and still have been possible to excavate and find them well preserved. As here at Brazil don't have volcanoes, It's tricky to imagine, the only "natural disaster" we have is flooding, and when they have nothing left to tell story.

The most famous eruption of Vesuvius was occurred in 79AC when Pompeii was engulfed by his fury. What few people know is that in this same event in addition to Pompeii, other cities: Herculaneum, Oplontis and Estábia also were erased from history by centuries. All of them today have archaeological site that can be visited. I will tell you more about it in the post visit to Pompeii and Herculaneum, You can access here (COMING SOON).

Another major eruption of Vesuvius was 1631 When, After silent centuries, by 17 days He spit fire and smoke. The destruction was so astonishing that after taking more than 4.000 lives the Archbishop of Naples, ordered a procession was made with the relics of San Gennaro to try to appease the fury of the volcano asking protection for the city. Legend has it that only when the statue of San Gennaro was facing the volcano that he finally stopped (UFA!).

the beautiful shape of the Vesuvius
the beautiful shape of the Vesuvius

Independent of the volcano is dormant is a great thrill to be able to raise it. Every time that I commented on this scale in my journey almost all my friends asked “What would you do if he stayed active when you're there??”. First the volcano is constantly monitored by the Osservatorio Vesuviano, so it's a very small possibility that happens without them knowing. Second legs for you, only.

The next morning we got the Piano Sorrento prepared a light itinerary for the day, starting with the ascent to Mount Vesuvius, followed by visit to Herculaneum and crowning the end of the afternoon with a visit to Pompeii. Obviante do posts on each of the items. Starting at the beginning, Sorrento Piano (where we were staying) the Vesuvius is relatively fast, you go through an endless tunnel and I am out almost on the Board that indicates where to start the ascent, by car, to the foot of Vesuvius.

part of the facade and gate of hotel Eremo already disabled
part of the facade and gate of hotel disabled

On the way we passed up a trail that led to a hotel off located near the Observatory Vesuviano. I'm sure if you were here on the River in the middle of the Paineiras I wouldn't have descended to enter (even if they asked me) but is Europe right? We get confidence. The hotel was named Hotel Eremo, It was built around 1902. Although even today appear to have had some glamour in its heyday the hotel was simple and served as a stop for travelers who came through the line of the train.

entrance and inside the hotel Era
entrance and inside the hotel Eremo

With a view to privileged location and he was widely visited. In 1944 After the last eruption of Vesuvius, the hotel was fine and began its process of abandonment that occurs until today. It's very simple to enter the gates are open, the walls are spraypainted and half decayed, We're just on the floor which is at street level, in the courtyard you can see several antennas installed, telephony I guess. All though I don't think it's too great a hotel at the foot of a volcano, but he was very useful to travelers while active. The abandonment is a lot of shame.

view from the balcony of the hotel Era
view from the balcony of the hotel Eremo damage to the Bay of Naples

If you do not need to take car in Naples a Circumvesuviana train Ercolano Scavi station and then take a bus or spending their legs going up very (do not recommend even! Walk up, is taut and I read in a blog that was one great regret this event).

To park the car, as you go up the mountain several parking areas demarcated appear, of course, the biggest competition is with most areas near the Park, and to achieve such a feat, or do you have to have a lot of luck or waking up too early. In our case it was really lucky, because the timetables, as always, haven't been there very fulfilled to the letter. So We didn't get sooo early so I was already pretty full, and the few vacancies.

View from top of Vesuvius | Google maps image
View from top of Vesuvius | Google maps image

The ticket cost, in 2015, 10 euros, some concessions make the ticket drop 8 euros, or like my cousin and her friend (Architects students in Italy) entered for free even. The schedule of visit, like almost everything else in Europe, depends on the time of year because of the Sun, but the opening is always 9:00 in the morning.

my tickets of Vesuvius (Yes I keep)
my tickets of Vesuvius (Yes I keep)

To enter the Park you pass by a kiosk where offer canes to help climb, and sell many things made of volcanic rocks, statues, bracelets etc. In addition to magnets, cards and brochures as the one I bought. The bracelets and cords are also sold in the “street vendor” (a few tables further away from the entrance) …It's cheaper, get there.

more cute dog blanket at the entrance of the Park | Jura rocks slide down these stops?  | first stop to watch people turning ants
more cute dog blanket at the entrance of the Park | Jura rocks slide down these stops? | first stop to watch people turning ants

The ascent is not huge, have around 1, 7 km of extension, It's not a difficult trail, but it's pretty tiresome, just don't be hard you get carried away and think you can do it fast. The tip is: go on your time, take a breath and enjoy the view. During the ascent you can admire the Bay of Naples and observe the monte Somma. Monte Somma is a part of the complex of Vesuvius but that is already inactive. The part still dormant and potentially dangerous is the “Gran cono”, exactly where we go up.

the face of exhaustion after climbing Vesuvius
the face of exhaustion after climbing Vesuvius

Between the Vesuvius mount Somma and you can see the Valley of hell, the giant and the Atrio del Cavallo. The Valley of hell is a “Trail” the last eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1944, in the pictures it is possible to identify it as a “River” Gray dividing mount Somma and vegetation nearest the Vesuvius . This last eruption was responsible for leaving the mountain with the appearance we know today.

the grey River in the background is the Valley of hell
the grey River in the background is the Valley of hell

When we finally arrived at the first lookout to view the volcano was truly impressed. It's so deep, all so huge! I took several photos, until I filmed, but I couldn't register the greatness of Vesuvius. It feels good because it is a chilling silence, a peace, very difficult to try to imagine the Vesuvius in his days of fury upstairs.

a view of the crater of Vesuvius
a view of the crater of Vesuvius

Some cracks in your wall, You can see smoke coming out to remind us that despite being asleep he still is active, These fumes reach temperatures of up to 50 degrees celcius. Currently its crater has 500 m in diameter, 230m depth and is 1,281 m above sea level. One thing he doesn't smell of sulfur as Solfatara (mom told us that smell like this), This fact was a trauma so great on my mother's life that she hardly went up Vesuvius with people afraid of him having this terrible smell hahaha.

Vesuvius leaving a message that only is asleep
Vesuvius leaving a message that only is asleep

As was the side of the crater, I started watching the ants walking on the opposite side, ants like me. With this reference frame, I made one more picture to try to quantify the size of the crater for who wasn't there. To follow the trail around the volcano you reaches the highest point, the Capannuccia.

attention on orange marking, those mini dots are people
attention on orange marking, those mini dots are people

out-of-touch _ vesuvio_11

This point has height of 1,167 m, and the Board is hung there for don't let you forget. More a house filled with souvenirs marking the end of the trail in Capannuccia. There are other trails on Vesuvius, but for this you need a guide to follow.

out-of-touch _ vesuvio_13
view targeting Positano and the Amalfi coast from the top of Vesuvius

That last part that you follow to Capannuccia has access through a wooden ladder. For so it is kind of limited accessibility, but climb to the first viewpoint is possible.

part of the trail that has stairs, and a brave family that left the cart while climbed the stairs
part of the trail that has stairs, and a brave family that left the cart while climbed the stairs

To climb the Vesuvius is just a matter of will, We saw all kinds of people rising. Of mothers with children as (in their laps), families with strollers, and people of all ages. It is a walk for (almost) any traveler, just take your time and go enjoying the view.

How to realize practically everyone can climb the Vesuvius
How to realize practically everyone can climb the Vesuvius

Tip of Fora da Toca

Get there early to ensure a spot near the entrance to the Park.

Important Information – Vesuvius

Ticket 10 euros ( price of 2015)
Schedule 9hours – 15hours (Jan – Feb and Nov – Ten) | 9hours – 16hours (Sea- Out) | 9hours – 17hours (Apr – Jun and Set) | 9hours – 18hours (Jul – Aug)
Vesuvius Website

-Hotel Eremo information taken from site



6 thoughts to “Climbing a dormant volcano , as we got to the Vesuvius”

  1. That wonderful post. I loved!!!
    The ticket to climb to the vesuvio, If buying on time or in advance?


    1. Hi Monisha!
      Glad you liked our post!
      You can purchase a ticket in time, It was super quiet and without queues.
      Keep following us! =)

  2. I went up to Gran Cono too years ago. Even though it doesn’t smell, there is definitely some sulphur inside the crater.
    Also, it’s conical shape make it looks less deep than it actually is.

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