Why should I buy travel insurance?

To some it may seem the obvious thing of life, for others a question from another world. Lately I and many friends bloggers have seen some resistance from people in purchasing travel insurance. I decided to probe a bit to understand what's happening and try to break that resistance.

Many people only buy the insurance because the country of destination O-BRI-GA who enters have travel insurance, but let's think a little ... certain things need to be done not just because we are compelled.

About the countries that we are required to have insurance to go check out always which the shortcomings and toppings that they require. In Europe there is a so-called Schengen Treaty, an agreement made between countries in Europe that specifies some requirements with tourists. For example If you are traveling to any country in Europe, a safe trip of at least € 30.000 is mandatory. To cover unforeseen, medical expenses and even repatriation. The countries of this agreement are (in alphabetical order):
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Sweden and Switzerland. In addition to the Schengen Treaty countries still have Cuba, Venezuela and Australia that require secure, each one with its specific conditions.

"but I've never asked for proof of insurance at the entrance in these countries."
– (read with little voice annoying) –

No matter. Simply Make!

Insurance is a minimum portion in the overall cost of a journey, and frankly an economy if you're thinking about everything that he can save you. Obviously no one wants to use the secure, After all, This is a sign that something has gone wrong, but I agree that it's better to be safe than be caught with your pants down, It's not even?

Of course there are various types of insurance, and it is necessary to check carefully what each model covers. To buy you typically need to tell how many days will pass out, your age group ( prices vary with age ) and where do you go. Remember to count the day you get out of here, and the day you get back. I've seen people with problem of lost luggage, the insurance did not cover, Why did you put the dates of the insurance as end date the day you break the vacation destination and not the day that came to Brazil (or whatever the final destination).

I know that 90% think of the suitcase full of misguided when we talk about safe shopping, but more important than that is thinking about medical care, a simple query can cost a fortune if you are not covered by adequate insurance.


Travel insurance or Travel Assistance?

Well, This differentiation existed until 2016 When was deployed a standardization of insurance sold. But I'm going to explain how it was before:

Although they seem to be very similar, the difference was clear in the pocket of the assured, not for the price at the time of hiring, but the expense to be necessary to use. Travel insurance you played all expenses after the use of the safe and just was refunded when I came back and proved all the expenses. With Travel assistance you kept quiet. Because you hired a package of services and benefits already included, IE without having to spend a dime out of your Pocket, Since all expenses were covered by the travel assistance and your affiliated network.

After 2016, started to enforce the resolution 315/2014 created by SUSEP (Superintendence of private insurances), – organ that regulates and supervises the sale of insurance in Brazil. A resolução determinou que, travel insurance and travel assistance to become one, so today we have JUST the Travel Insurance ( which encompasses both old versions Secure + assistance ).

3(D) right hand broken with a sleeper train
3(D) right hand broken with a sleeper train

Thus at the time of the emergency, the traveler can choose between the insurer to be served in a partner network, or go to a hospital of choice and be refunded after return from the journey. Also has some details have become mandatory in all insurance:
Medical expenses, Hospital and/or dental trip (DMHO) in national or international trip;

Medical expenses, Hospital and/or dental trip abroad (DMHO) in trip abroad, Body transfer, Health return, Medical Transfers, Death on the road, Accidental death on the road, Total or partial permanent disability by accident on a trip.

This is the basics that insurance nowadays are required to cover, of course, every company and every package offered may cover other items and different values of secure.



Imagine the worst is important. I heard a case that happened in 2018, a boy who died in Europe doing backpacking. Without insurance. The family had to make a Kitty online and ask for help at embassies to get the body back, Since transfer of body costs so low real 10mil, just so you know. Look to perrengue in 1 hour delicate for the family.

thumb slightly injured
thumb slightly injured



Some more well known insurance brands

To help our readers follows a list with the main insurance companies that we Brazilians use: Assist Card, Travel Ace, Affinity and Porto Seguro. If I'm not mistaken I've used all but the Porto Seguro. Lucky for me I never had to activate the safe in my travels and I sincerely hope to continue like this hehehe.

I've read the case of blogger who was sought in the hotel and taken to the hospital because she got sick, covered by insurance, allergies, food poisoning, flus, virus diseases, have a case for each of the items listed. I have relatives who were hit in the hospital after hurting his shoulder playing waterpolo, and it was not only served in the ER as yet returned a few times to finish treatment until 100%.



right hand after surgery to place the bones in place
right hand after surgery to place the bones in place

Have a case that gave bad?

Without doubt, so it's important to choose a reliable company at the time of hiring and not just a good price. My known for example even though travel insurance, When was robbed in Uruguay broke the Bowl, and I didn't want to cover her hosting, until she can travel back. Luckily, She had friends over there and had a place to stay. In these cases please keep all receipts to later be able to trigger the company judicially.
Older people can buy travel insurance?
Yes, There are specific plans for more advanced age groups, of course I end up being more expensive insurance right.

Extreme sports and adventure
As well as to older tourists insurance for people who practice radical sports typically tend to be more expensive, After all the risk is considerably higher.

Check carefully with the insurance company if your sport is on the list that the insurance covers. Don't go thinking it's only RADICAL parachute, or ok basejump? Surf, wealth and even safari enter the question ra-di-cal / Adventure. Then check out right if your adventurous plans are covered.

column + mild scoliosis and lordosis
column + mild scoliosis and lordosis

This post in addition to informative has a slight "JABÁAAAAAAA"
For those who do not know the slang, Jaba is a sponsored announcement, in case I wasn't paid to do the propaganda, but I'm here to promote a partnership. Thanks to the blog to be part of the RBBV out of the woodwork now is Insurance partner Promo.


What is the safe promo?
The Promo is an Insurance Company Belvitur group with more than 53 years of experience in the travel industry. In order to offer the best products and values they negotiate with the major insurers travel insurance of the country, and thus offer excellent insurance prices to cover all your needs. No site da Seguros Promo você pode selecionar para ver a melhor opção de custo benefício, selecionar por seguradora ou apenas por maior ou menor preço.


E o que você ganha com essa parceria?
Nossos seguidores queridos podem usar nosso código de desconto na Seguros Promo, um simpático desconto de 5%, que tal? But you won't pay anything more, It helps the blog with a small Commission, We're trying to 1 hour who knows could live blog. Then use the code FORADATOCA5 and enjoy the 5% Insurance discount Promo.


Doubt in time to make the insurance?
As my mother says, Don't be poor proud, is with doubt? insecure with your choice? Be sure to contact the insurance company hired, tourist agency or insurance group. Already did secure with several companies and have always been readily answered when I had doubts.

And have you ever had to use the secure? How was your experience? You tell us!


– source of information Insurance Web site Promo | X-rays and similar – my personal images of accidents that had nothing to do with travel (I'm glad!) –

2 thoughts to “Why should I buy travel insurance?”

    1. Nossa sério que precisou usar? E ocorreu tudo bem? Sem surpresas desagradáveis depois?

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