Visit the fortress of Santa Cruz in Niterói

One of the most visited sights of Niterói. Considered the 7 wonder of the fortress city of Santa Cruz da Barra was built in 1555, even very simple, almost improvised only with 2 cannons by the French by Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon. After structure became the main point of defence of Guanabara Bay.

the entrance of the fortress

The visit begins in front of the fortress promptly at the appointed time. As practically all the way is done out in the open, They offer umbrellas visitors. I found very nice initiative but a handy for unprepared or is surprised by the Sun.

umbrellas for loan

The first stop of the tour is on a Board with a cliff notes of the history of the fortress, We were alerted by one of the dates is wrong, the fortress becomes fortress of Santa Cruz da Barra in 1612 and not in 1632 How is recorded. In another sign below you can see the symbol of the FEB ( Brazilian expeditionary force ) the famous snake smoking emerged from the disbelief of Brazilians, who said it's easier a snake smoking than Brazil enter the war.

plate with the important dates of the fortress

The Brazil not only entered the world war, as it was of great importance and the bravery of its soldiers highlighted. After the episode the FEB adopted motto "the snake will smoke", even Walt Disney at the time of World War II illustrated the motto at the invitation of the newspaper O Globo.

Illustration done by Walt Disney for the newspaper O Globo | Source: O Globo Newspaper

A charming detail of the fortress is your Sundial dating from approximately 1820, on the right side you see the hours of the morning and afternoon hours left. At the time the photo was already nearly half a day so the evil shadow appears.


The fortress of Santa Cruz is also known today by marriages there, Imagine marrying this background. Speaking of marriage, we can only speak of the chapel of Santa Bárbara. Your image that measures 1, 73 m is all made of wood and adorned with semi precious stones.

Statue and the chapel of Santa Bárbara

The story you tell about the beautiful statue is that it wasn't meant the fortress but to Fort Santa Cruz in the Centre of the city of Rio, due to the similar name Santa's image ended up going without wanting to stop in Niterói. Had numerous attempts to bring santa to the river but every time they would get her the sea was rough and it ended up being interpreted as a wish of the Holy, that ended up in the fortress.

Hatch of father | “an eye on the priest and another at mass”


near the tomb of Iracema and your friend Laís

The chapel still keeps a curiosity, Perhaps the origin of the term "one eye on the priest another mass", When all members of the fortress were going to mass, who was in charge of watching the entrance to the Bay was the father, that was a strategic window on height of the altar. Thus the sign of any danger he might nod and tell the soldiers to return to their posts. The chapel of Santa Bárbara is sacred architecture of the Jesuit period, was erected in 1763, shot during the revolt of the brazilian fleet and was restored as we see today in 1995.

On the inner wall of the Chapel, You can see some tombs. Legend has it that the young Iracema, daughter of Captain Potyguara de Macedo, fell in love with a cable, prevented from living your novel, She threw herself into the sea in 18 of December 1906. On the wall is also your best friend buried Laís.

statue Marechal Mallet

The statue located in the garden is the Marechal Mallet, born in Dunkirk on France. In the battle of Tuyutí his troops were called "artillery gun" due to your speed and accuracy. Thanks to your creativity of courage the victory was achieved in battle, your famous phrase that came to be known was Them come. This way you won't go.” Confident is not even?

detail of rail cannons on the wall of the fortress

My only strong until then was the reference in Copacabana, and I found very interesting the difference in how the cannons on the wall of the fortress of Santa Cruz move. The trail on the ground allowed a good malleability angle of artillery.

Fortress details

The cantareira floor dating from the 19th century that covers virtually the entire fortress was placed by soldiers who worked there. The beautiful and delicate farol da fortaleza, that signals to Mariners to avoid shipwrecks, dating from the 18th century. Already the mast painted green and yellow, It is made of Pau Brazil and measuring 22 m high.

detail of the mast and the floor
beautiful lighthouse of the fortress

The entrance of Guanabara Bay is guarded by a strong complex formed by the Fort St. John ( Urca ), Strong Tamandaré slab ( Urca ), Fort São Luís ( Niterói ), Forte do Pico ( Niterói ), Gragoatá Fort ( Niterói ), The Imbue ( Niterói ), Strong Baron of Rio Branco ( Niterói ) and the Rudder. My plan is to visit all of them to make a post with a strong circuit by the river.

inside the fortress

An impressive battery of cannons

Built in 1696 the hornaveque or work corna, "V" format was strategic, your format allowed virtually all guns be controlled from a point only. To command the missing the in charge just needed to walk to the end of the arrow, that was the view of other guns.

hornaveque the fortress of Santa Cruz

The curious detail is that only the first cannons have embrasure, a little hole in the wall for the person see, that's because if the attacker ship passed that point the order was sinking. No more warning shots. I think this was one of the places I liked the most on the tour, not only architecture but by intelligence graphic aesthetic created by the alignment of cannons and stone arches.

detail of arrow slits | will say that this perspective is not beautiful

Gunfire and clashes of the fortress of Santa Cruz

I'm not going to quote all the shares of the fortress, but those that have marked me most.

In July 1922, the fortress of Santa Cruz opened fire on the Fort of Copacabana, during the riots of the Tenente revolts. I do not understand nothing of Cannon, I found a daring shot taking into consideration the distance between the two strong, check out the image. But as the fortress is the point closest to the River (1,5km) and from what I read a cannon shot covers more or less 11 km without difficulty should be well possible even, I just couldn't figure out if hit or not, If anyone knows me tells me to update.

map with the supposed route of cannon shot from the fortress of Santa Cruz against the Fort of Copacabana | source: Google maps

In 1955 the fortress of Santa Cruz makes your last shot against the Cruiser Almirante Tamandaré, shot that you didn't take on boat. The final battle took place at Guanabara Bay is due to elections of 1955 When JK was elected, and Carlos Luz part towards the SP in search of Jânio Quadros to stay in power.

view from the nearest point of the fortress of Santa cruz in Rio de Janeiro

Can be Carioca joke but undoubtedly one of the most beautiful of Niterói and Rio de Janeiro view, in particular in the fortress of Santa Cruz, the look is jaw-dropping, no doubt a privileged angle.

Cells, Corsairs, illustrious prisoners and a historical trail

In ancient times the fortress was used as a prison from pirates and Corsairs. It is still possible to visit the solitary cells, a hole, Dark low ceiling and insert that formerly had a door. There the prisoners were the basis of bread and water on the whole pitch, and after a few 15 days were taken to the sunshower, that caused a shock at sight, they say that even caused blindness, others say it was a momentary thing.

Hall and solitary of the fortress of Santa Cruz

In the list of illustrious prisoners passed through the fortress are: Giuseppe Garibaldi, Bento Gonçalves , Pedro Ivo Van da Silveira, the first Uruguayan President Fructuoso Rivera, Euclides da Cunha, Alcides Teixeira, Plínio Salgado, Luís Carlos Prestes and the general Lott . These prisoners were not in Gen pop, but in a room of the building. If anyone escaped? The Captain Juarez Távora, advantage of their privileges of captain to arm an escape, due to patent your he could fish in the walls of the fortress, and so managed to escape with Estillac Leal and Alcides T. Daniel a leak through a rope.

historical fortress cells

The last stop of the visit are the cells, built in the 17th century, because the incline, have different sizes and are feeling go decreasing as the punishment increased. But we were told it was due to the ramp where were built. One of the punishments by which the prisoners passed was to give 6 around the fortress with 26 kg of rifles in the back, think, heat + weight + a huge fortress. One of the places not visited but is famous in the fortress is the Cova da Onça, is known to have been a place of torture, with an exit to the sea where bodies of the dead prisoners were thrown.

detail of the inner part of the historical cells
cistern of the fortress of Santa Cruz

In front of the cells it is possible to see the cistern dates from 1738, and was of great help to those who depended on the water. At the end of the tour the Guide recited a sonnet:

Statue of “Sentry Alert”

"From one stone to another became the story,
complex in ways that all lures,
Shrine of our memory,
translated in the walls of Santa Cruz,
sovereign icon of Guanabara vigilante uncontested of a nation,
brings the most expensive souvenir,
present in the soul of each Cannon,
Guardian of the State, Sentry in the past,
silent work, culture in this
a dream safe, tradition in the future,
perfect sentence, Here enlisted
truth so certain, the army adopted,
Sentry Alert, I'm Alert!”

“Sentry Alert, I'm Alert!” – is the motto of the soldiers of the Fort of Santa Cruz. At the entrance of the fortress you can see the statue of a Brazilian soldier, “Sentry Alert”, historic 18th century uniform made in tribute to 400 years of Santa Cruz da Barra Fortress. Tribute that provided by the Portuguese Club and the Portuguese Brazilian community center to the Brazilian Army

one of the views of the fortress of Santa Cruz

It is worth visiting the fortress of Santa Cruz?

Without doubt, not only for your view but also for your story. The visit is very interesting, and from what I noticed on the day appeals to all age groups. Unfortunately, not all areas of the fortress are open to visit but it's still a very interesting ride.


How to get to the fortress of Santa Cruz

The recommended way is to go by car, the place is easy to reach by public transport ( even though this option ) In addition to being far away. Leaving the River the fastest way is to take the bridge Rio Niteroi. The toll currently costs R$4,30 (2018) and you only pay on the way.


How to get to the fortress of Santa Cruz public transport

50% public transport

If you do not have car, and are going to the river can take the ferry at Praça XV and jump on Araribóia station. The route takes about 20 min, and R$6,10 or R$5,15 for a single ticket. Arriving in Niteroi you can get a Uber / Taxi / 99 or whatever your liking until the fortress, for listing now November without dynamic rate gives some 26/35 UBER real or 99 Pop that gives some 23 reais.

(estimated values on the day that the post was written through the applications without dynamic rate, in November 2018).

100% public transport

Although I hardly believe a bus passing through the winding path to the fortress, We have been assured that the bus climbs Yes. If you want to go 100% public transport, After finishing the Niterói, take the bus line 33 – Miramar Road It leaves the road of Niterói terminal, João Goulart Terminal – Platform 3. The terminal is 400 Araribóia square meters. For more information about the line 33, and their schedules check out the DMV Web site Miramar. Confirm that the bus goes to the fortress, Some will just until Jurujuba.



Visit the fortress of Santa Cruz – Tip of Fora da Toca

Be sure to carry an identity document, your entry in the fortress is only permitted with him.

If it is a sunny day or haze, filter pass because as I said much of the tour is the open sky and the Sun does not forgive. If you still feel that the Sun's punishing ask guide on the umbrellas for loan, they are right at the entrance of the fortress.

The space has a mini canteen with drinks and snacks, In addition to a small shop of souvenirs.


Visit the fortress of Santa Cruz – Information

Schedule Tuesday to Sunday, the visits take place every hour from 9:00 to 4:00 pm (last entry)

Duration of the visit 45min 1:00

R$ 6,00 – One piece (of 22 the 59 years of age)

R$ 3,00 – Half price (people 21 years, students with student card, military – and immediate family – the Navy, of Aeronautics, Military police and firefighters);

Free – Children up 12 years, Seniors from 60 years, Army military and their immediate family; People with special needs; Students and Teachers of public schools (by Office of the Director for FSCB) and former combatants of the second world war (Veterans of FEB and the battalion of Peace).


-more practical information you can find in the official website


2 thoughts to “Visit the fortress of Santa Cruz in Niterói”

    1. I found very nice idea, There is a field with Sun cracking really don't have nowhere to hide from the Sun. hehehe look at Leuven only had Sun for me, But what you say I agree that some umbrellas would be nice, more practical that covers, and still could have the print of the logo of the city to disclose the tours

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