Fuerza Bruta, a sensory spectacle of sounds and colors

This super sensory spectacle was created by a company in Argentina 2003 by James the hell outta here. Probably unlike anything you've ever experienced, Fuerza Bruta breaks the traditional musical patterns and novaiorquinas parts. Starting with the fact that you spend the 70 minutes of the show standing, all tickets have the same value, don't have different area, and most of the time looking up. Put your stiff neck and come dive in this universe of sounds and colors.

shafts of yellow light from the stage, public notice the artists doing acrobatics
many colors

I admit I don't remember why I decided to go to the Fuerza Bruta, but I was on the subway heading Bronx Zoo with Amanda and we're both picking up internet coupons to get a discount on tickets that night. But I confess I've gone in more of a presentation, This time here in Brazil to attend the Wayra, that is a different version of the show I saw in New York.

If you take into consideration the values of Broadway parts, the Fuerza Bruta was cheaper than the average of any. Off-Broadway shows are usually a lot more cheap, least disclosed, presented in smaller theatres and are cheaper productions. Some parts of success started as off-Broadway before moving to the major theaters of Times Square, as little shop of Horrors or the Avenue Q, other despite continued success off-Broadway the whole life as the Stomp. The Fuerza Bruta was presented at the Daryl Roth Theatre, stuck on Union Square, a super cool square that has fair on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and even if you don't buy anything it's a delight to see all the colors and smells, who can resist a street fair?

various vegetables in an organic banking at Union Square
fair in Union Square

Buy the ticket wasn't too hard, No gigantic queues or few places. We bought this afternoon to watch tonight. We got to the presentation almost short notice. It was the time to enter and leave their coats and bags in the coat room. The mood of the presentation is quite different, the side of the head-dresses beautiful colored vials drew attention, I asked what they were and found they were shots of tequila. I began to understand that the mood was something like a laid-back party.

table in detail, glass pot with tips and colorful tequila shots in test tube
tequila shots

We went into a room that had shed guy. A lot of people on foot, electronic type music playing. Nothing more until the lights went out.

Man arrested for walking in the cable against light
the beginning

This post contains a lot of pictures and reports from experience than is the show Fuerza Bruta, If you intend to go, and want to be surprised 100% on time, stop by here!

4 girls do dance routines in the pool suspended in light purple
you don't see where the pool comes
When the pool down the girls interact with the public
close encounters of the second degree
the girls hit the bottom of the pool suspended while it rains "" about them
without doubt the best photos of the night
with the plastic bubble armada a tunnel goes down in the middle of the audience, This part of the show just took in SP
part of the show that just took in SP
one of the actresses comes down with a cable through a hole in the plastic bubble and carries one of the spectators to climb
how I wish I had been charged
my hand touching the plastic bubble that came down to our time
playing the “ceiling”
5 members of the team at the show drags the crane with one of the actresses hanging by a cord
will staff, back staff, they are amazing!
the actors go through the middle of the audience with styrofoam plates
they break the styrofoam plates in the audience and flies chads everywhere
the actors play and dance on stage at the end of the show in Brazil while a shower of shredded paper falls
end of the show in São Paulo


Julia and Amanda pose for a photo before selfie and after the show with the remains of styrofoam plates in hand in New York 201
before and after the show
Gotta get back to work the actor Julia Fuerza Bruta in New York 2013
Gotta get back to work at the end, why it costs..

Tip of Fora da Toca

Be sure to bring your camera!

If position more in the center of the room so you can have the best angles for photos and to take advantage of since it's where usually the most lively of the performance happens.

Important information – Fuerza Bruta

In New York the views if closed.
( At least for now) But in Buenos Aires continue normally.

– information taken from the Fuerza Bruta and Wikipidia –

2 thoughts to “Fuerza Bruta, a sensory spectacle of sounds and colors”

    1. Dear Sabrina! I glad you took advantage of one of our tips! I hope you continue to enjoy them =) and soon we will have our to tell here.

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