MON – Oscar Niemeyer Museum or the Museum of the eye, a visit not to be missed in Curitiba

THE MON – Oscar Niemeyer Museum or Museum of the eye, stay in Curitiba and is focused on Visual arts exhibition, Architecture, Urban planning and Design. It occupies about 35 1000 square meters of constructed area and more than 17 1000 square meters of exhibition area, It is considered the largest of Latin America.

Oscar Niemeyer Museum in Curitiba, a view on the ramp and Lake
impossible not to be impressed with this work

The Museum was opened in 2002, with the addition of the "eye" and despite being easily identified by it, the Museum has since 1967 another building also built by Niemeyer but in modern style.

The eye is a feat of engineering and architecture, not only because it was designed by Oscar Niemeyer, but you had to go through a huge calculation to stand.

internal ramp of the building annexed to the MON to the first floor
ramp to the first floor

We arrived at the MON morning, We stopped the car in the parking lot that the day was free. We walk a little by little shop and then buy tickets. The visit starts with the old building, where there is a floor to temporary exhibitions.

We were fortunate to get a big exhibition on architect Vila Nova Artigas, the exhibition occupied almost the whole floor, with large printed wood panels talking about your work. In addition to beautifully finished models of several of his works.

Models of the exhibition in the MON of the Vila Nova Artigas
Overview of the exhibition
detail of the timeline panel of the exhibition at MON Village architect New Artigas
Panel with the story of the architect
photos of one of the buildings of the architect Village New Artigas and plant of the same work
some of his works
detail of one of the models of the Vila Nova Artigas in the exhibition of the MON
beautifully finished model

Even on this floor we entered the room where many works seized in car wash Operation are exposed. From Miró to Daniel Senise, a selection of good taste.

room in MON with several works seized in car wash operation
room with the works seized

On the other side of the same floor we enter the world of Japanese contemporary art. Graffiti, illustrations, works and interactive installations, filled the whole environment. We enjoyed a lot the installation of Fernanda Takai, I find it hard to believe someone doesn't like swings.

Graffiti in Japan Exhibition in MON
super colorful graffiti
one of the works
one of the works

After all the walking we explore the subsoil that is where is the ticket to the eye.

My connection with the MON comes since its inauguration and I had the joy of discovering that she's still there underground. I could see for the first time one of my first works of image processing, It was very nice. Is a permanent exhibition on the works of MON Niemeyer, built and which are (not yet) only on paper. Some of the works have models scattered around the Hall.

the building's underground annex of the MON with Oscar Niemeyer exhibition
Overview of the permanent exhibition on Niemeyer
Kribhco mockup, the work of architect Oscar Niemayer, in the exhibition on their own in MON
one of several models of the exhibition
curved wall with some of the Oscar Niemeyer designs in the exhibition about him in MON
wall with some of the designs
curved wall with some photographic reproductions of works by Oscar Niemeyer in the exhibition about him in MON
some of the pictures we treat

Still in the basement you can find an open area with several sculptures including some of Amilcar de Castro, sculptor who I love! There are some works of them scattered here by the river, including a is on the street of the House.

open area in MON with a few outdoor sculptures
sculptures outside

Crossing the Hall of Niemeyer's display you enter a futuristic tunnel to take the elevator to the eye. I had a certain disappointment when you get there. I thought you would see something in the Windows, but it's a big black wall. The floor is filled with contemporary works, along with a wonderful picture of Daniel Senise, and I was blown away with the metal fins that make the ceiling finish, gives a beautiful effect.

underground tunnel of the MON to access to the eye
tunnel for access to the eye
reflection of Julia and some works on display in the part of the eye in MON
more details
mirror works on display in the part of the eye in MON
a piece of the room
geometric metal finishing detail of the ceiling of the eye of the MON
detail of the ceiling finish

The MON is widely attended and 2013 the Museum beat the mark of about 2 1,000,000 visitors. Love and super recommend for those who can't resist a Museum. Wonderful infrastructure in addition to major exhibitions and cultural project.

Tip of Fora da Toca

Take advantage of the parking lot to visit the Woods of Pope.

Important Information – MON


R$ 30,00 (one piece)
R$ 15,00 (half-price )


Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:30 pm (stay until 18h)
Sale of tickets and access to the showrooms until 5:30 pm

More information on site do MON

5 thoughts to “MON – Oscar Niemeyer Museum or the Museum of the eye, a visit not to be missed in Curitiba”

    1. He is handsome!!! Worth visiting! Glad you liked it honey, I'm also in love with architecture

    1. Good afternoon Marcelo,
      thanks for the alert, I've already jumped on the MON website and updated times and values. Anyway, ideally, always check the updated information directly on the museum's website.

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