EXPO Milan 2015

I can say that I was very lucky to score our trip to Italy. Without knowing I was able to get the EXPO in Milan and in Venice Biennale! All by mere coincidence ... because actually I didn't know ... Turns out that the biennial didn't have time to go, the offset in Venice is absurdly slow ... but the EXPO we were able!

map of EXPO
map of EXPO

The Milan EXPO 2015 It was an event geared toward sustainability, power and creativity of the countries, thinking about a better future, with better food distribution and less waste, involving nearly all countries. Rio de Janeiro including already hosted an EXPO ... very ... long time ago ... If you remember a little of their history will remember the exposure of 1922, that was mounted in the center of the city, at first this exposure would be but ended up getting other countries national as: Belgium, Argentina, United Kingdom, Japan, France and Italy. The French pavilion was a replica of the Petit Trianon, field residence of Marie Antoinette at Versailles, and was donated to Brazil at the end of the exhibition, It is currently the seat of the Brazilian Academy of letters. This exhibition was dedicated to the countries display their technological innovations to the world.

out-of-touch _ EXPO-Milan _ 11
one of the rooms of the ZERO flag

The Milan EXPO have been especially focused on food and its distribution, It was possible to experience in various pavilions typical dishes and drinks. Very cool they make available on the site various recipes that even showed how many calories were, I got some but I admit I have not tested, but the traditional cantuccini Italian is on the list. To get an idea of the greatness of this event, almost all means of transport had some sort of promotion/package/advertisement for people from all over Italy could visit the EXPO. In addition to several other options leading who was in Milan for other cities, the Discover Ferrari & Pavarotti Land, was a project created due to EXPO and tourists that she would bring. Lucky for us this project will continue indefinitely, and improved. Worth much the ride! We tell everything here (COMING SOON).

our long walk to the entrance
our long walk to the entrance


Visit the EXPO is a program for more than a day or at least a whole day! You have to have a lot of layout and a lot of shoe leather to spend. As we didn't have a whole day to walk there, I found out before the inauguration, He had a special ticket, that was after 7:00 pm till the closure of the activities, by 11:00 pm. The best part is that it only cost 5 euros, While the ticket for the whole day was something of Toronto 32 euros ... when trying to do a trip relatively "low cost", These small details make all the difference. Of course the ideal to see everything with calm would be, If we had more days in Milan, take a whole day or two nights; I think I'd end up getting a whole day, Since the EXPO was a bit far from the Centre of Milan and after going down to the subway you still had to walk muitoooo until you reach the entry.

ZERO flag, that presented the proposal of EXPO on sustainability
ZERO flag, that presented the proposal of EXPO on sustainability
some more of the Pavilion zero because I love that photo
some more of the Pavilion zero because I love that photo

The place where the EXPO was huge! Were fooled by a great optical illusion. Since virtually all the booths were located in a large main avenue, We had the false impression that we could quickly go through all, but as much as we, It seemed that ever cut off the end, as a matter of fact we didn't get, We stopped in a tree that was built and where there was a fireworks show and back, After all it was almost 11:00 pm.

tree of EXPO in two times
tree of EXPO in two times


happy person sitting just proving the beers of the world
happy person sitting just proving the beers of the world


My father even started to meet the pavilions, sat in a big wooden squares in the middle of the Avenue, and there was. Leaves on mission to complete this nice passport that they sold to you go stamping on each booth, goal? Get the maximum possible stamps in our short time. Meanwhile my mother left for the distant future flag of Austria that had a forest with super pure air. If it were a question of stamping the passport would have been simple, but it was inevitable enter each booth, facing a queue and check out, so we just can't all stamps ... but were several ultimately, gave spent. Follow the pictures of some stands we visited.




entrance to the Pavilion of Thailand and the flag of Austria
entrance to the Pavilion of Thailand and the flag of Austria
the queue for the flag of Brazil, and queue at the entrance to the Pavilion of China
the queue for the flag of Brazil, and queue at the entrance to the Pavilion of China
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the beautiful iron and glass structure of the flag of England


It was worth it? Yes it was nice, It's not an event that happens all the time, the fact of having paid only 5 euros, helped. It was an exhausting ride, probably by the sum of things we did on the day, not only by the EXPO itself. The weather was nice, face that everything under the Sun must be tense. It was interesting to meet even if just a little bit of culture and habits of each country, of course I had some pavilions that I couldn't visit that seemed incredible but overall was pretty cool!

Photo/souvenir of EXPO, had a few totems scattered around where you could make a picture, customize the frame and send to your email
Photo/souvenir of EXPO, had a few totems scattered around where you could make a picture, customize the frame and send to your email

2 thoughts to “EXPO Milan 2015”

  1. It was really a show despite her legs are missing me because during the day reached the spectacular mark of 42 km on foot! But I can't complain about anything than we did in Italy, Organization, tours, food, drinks and a first pilot! SHOW!!!!!

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