Boat in the Formoso river

Who never dreamed of doing rafting? How many times we did not see in those sports programs people happy going down the waterfalls or turning the boat? I always thought I was going to Lumiar to do it but our trip to Bonito came first. Our ride was in the Eco Island Port Park, but it's not just ride […]

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Milan! Arriving at the city and our hotel

I'm one of those people who spend months researching, reading and programming the trip. I love the whole process from the willingness to travel, through planning until you reach the trip itself. All this research and readings are really worth when the time comes, but at the same time it doesn't protect you from anything, hehehe. I spent […]

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Jiboia´s Project

Going to the Jiboia´s project was an accident. A wonderful accident. Thanks to the rain the night before and the drizzle of the day, our visit to the Blue Grotto, one of the most famous tourist spots, has been canceled. Since the downhill to the Cave it's very steep, with the rain is dangerous to go down and so they […]

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Anhumas Abyss

When I heard of the existence of the adventure in the Anhumas abyss, I freaked out! Needed to put on my itinerary anyway!! After accepting the value of the investment (It's a bit salty, but worth every penny!!) We confirm the reservation with the Agency and was biting me of anxiety until the day, After all, would be my first […]

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Municipal Balneary of Bonito

Let's start like this, you ask me, how do you have this picture? Because I hear nothing brilliant ideas, and I walk to the locker room down the road!! Continuing … Following the lead and lift the Vinícius, our transport for all tours, We went to the locker room of the city. It's beautiful? Yes. Does it have crystal clear water? Yes. Yes […]

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Knowing the Mimosa Resort

Our first tour in Bonito was to meet the resort Mimosa and its beautiful waterfalls. Some of the Bonito´s farms chose to make Ecotourism on their land, with lunch, excursions on foot or on horseback among other numerous attractions. When we close our vacation package, we choose transfers to all of the selected tours. So we know our driver […]

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