Arriving at Bonito

I've always wanted to go to Bonito, I have acquaintances who live close by and a friend who lives there. How I could not be interested in a place considered one of the best ecotourism destinations, with crystal clear waters and endless adventure options? In agony as only I'm able to be, I decided that we were going to spend Carnival away from CHAOS […]

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Naval Museum

As I said in the post on Fiscal island, We take the time that was left to meet the Naval Museum. We thought at first we'd managed to follow the Guide, But how do we get to eat, It didn't ... next time. The visit of the museum rooms are divided into 2 parts, the first almost at the front door […]

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Visit to Sugar Loaf

In another typical summer day in Rio, No, wait, It's August ... On another day that winter was solemnly ignored by the Sun in Rio, We continue our endeavor to visit points of interest using the Carioquinha project. Error 1: The Carioquinha to Sugar Loaf works only Monday-Thursday. Error 2: […]

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Ilha Fiscal

Taking advantage of the Saturday of blue sky, added to carioquinha discount, I decided to visit the Fiscal Island. As my double was out on the river, I dragged my adventure partner and pierced to go with me, Mom!! We at 9:45 Cup, We took a bus with air on Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana towards the 1st Street […]

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Cultural Circuit Bus

For years, me and my mom, assiduous clientele of museums, cultural centers and theaters in the city centre, We said there should be a bus there to connect the museums. Places like the national historical Museum (MHN), Museu de Arte do Rio (SEA), among others, are the bad access mainly for who's feet ", without […]

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Passport 450 years

For those who don't know (I think it's kind of hard to no one have seen the logos of 450 years across the city ), This year the river is celebrating 450 Spring!! To get in the mood of celebration, the Brazilian Institute of Museums (IBRAM) released a nice Museum Passport Cariocas. It's free, and with room for […]

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Carioquinha 2015

Rio de Janeiro is known worldwide as a tourist city. For those who live here, sometimes even too tourist, nothing against the visitors, but against the exorbitant prices that we have to face. I can say that many tourists know more points and attractions of the river than us locals in General. First, como […]

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