The Lighthouse at Serra das Araras

Abandoned lighthouse in the Serra das Araras
Abandoned lighthouse in the Serra das Araras

Hard not to notice the "shifted" Lighthouse on the descent of the Serra das Araras. What a lighthouse would be doing in the middle of the Sierra the kilometers from the sea is not? After years of passing by the Serra das Araras, Anyway we decided to stop to find out what was. Up the long ramp closed with a chain so that cars don't go up, You can imagine what it must have been like in its heyday. The super symmetrical garden with a pond in the Center invited the visitor to enter the great lighthouse. The place, However, is portrait of abandonment: There's not even a sign indicating what was, or why was there. When I got home I decided to do some research to find out what it was that "white elephant".

The Monument Belvedere, or Road is closed since Monument 1978 in total abandon, Although many people still stop on the space (as we!). The main doors are closed today with padlock, the glass and broken tiles, In addition to containing some shot marks. Built on an area of 54mil square meters, with 46 m tall the lighthouse was done all in art deco style in 1928 by Touring Club, in homage to the road.

Pictures of the monument at the time of construction and inauguration.   |   Images kindly provided by the São Paulo site Former
Pictures of the monument at the time of construction and inauguration | Images kindly provided by the São Paulo site Former
A postcard image of the season   |   Reproduction courtesy by the page of Rodovia Presidente Dutra Road Monument
A postcard image of the season | Reproduction courtesy by the page of Rodovia Presidente Dutra Road Monument

The work was executed by architect Raphael Galvão, the civil engineer Chagas Doria and the engineer Christiani Nielsen constructor, These information contained, If I'm not mistaken, the only sign that we found there. 10 years after works started the monument was inaugurated. Designed to be a resting point for travellers, and viewpoint to admire the views of the Sierra, the lighthouse had a beautiful garden, a restaurant inside and atop a single equipment that emitted light and tail revolved 360 as a maritime lighthouse.

Staircase to the main gate and the construction information
Staircase to the main gate and the construction information
Main entrance
Main entrance

At the time of construction, was commissioned the Cândido Portinari 4 panels to decorate the monument. The proposal was to portray the construction of the roads of Brazil. After the closure of the lighthouse and deactivation of the restaurant, the panels were abandoned inside for years. Until in October 2000 were removed and taken to the Museum of fine arts, where they were restored, Since the abandonment of the site, the paintings have suffered degradation time, just as bugs, moisture etc.…

Door and main hall, totally abandoned
Door and main hall, totally abandoned
One of the panels made in bas-relief by the French artist Freyhoffer
One of the panels made in bas-relief by the French artist Freyhoffer

On the outside it is still possible to admire the panels made in bas-relief by the French artist Freyhoffer, that tell the transport evolution through time. Terracotta-coloured panels stand out of the ashes of the monument walls. Unfortunately, as well as the entire installation, are gradually being destroyed by time and by the lack of conservation.

Yet the view of the disabled is beautiful lookout! We climbed the stairs and we turned it around in all the land. Until we saw one of the side doors open, gave me a great desire to get, but I confess that I had the least courage. Maybe some other day is not? Even though it was listed in 1990 as patrimony of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the neglect continues. It would be awesome if he were restored, and reactivated, I'm sure he would be a successful tourist spot.

View of the climb to the lighthouse
View of the climb to the lighthouse

If you want to see amazing photos from the time when the monument still worked, even the souvenirs and opening announcements, Click here! I was delighted, I even tried to get in touch to request some pictures to post but I don't have a flickr account…so it didn't.

39 thoughts to “The Lighthouse at Serra das Araras”

  1. Good night! I wonder if currently you can access the site to watch the view take pictures. I've been in Sierra several times I was always curious to go up there to look at the horizon. The site is secure? Can I leave the car downstairs and go quiet? I really liked the area, congratulations! Sparked my desire to know better and near this location.

    1. Hello Wellington!
      We are happy that you have enjoyed our post! You can stop the car and walk up to see the view and walk through the garden. We did that and had no problem, but visit during the day, at night I don't think it should be a good idea….Depending on the day you should see (as we've already seen several times) many people leaving the car to enjoy the view and kill the curiosity. Hope you enjoy! Continue to follow us!

      1. Hj 06/08/19 I had the pleasure of climbing up the top of the tower ,I went under a broken door and broke p up ,Very show ,Wonderful view from up there …Photos and videos Zap 19 981165475 ,Thanks

        1. I have to confess, I did the same thing to my son., and months later I went up with my daughter and climbed up to the lighthouse, be brave

    2. Yesterday I was there. I was with my daughter going to the River to work. Always been through there is that place always caught my attention. The day was good , with Sun , I stopped the car and came down. I was with my camera and my daughter. As we were alone for a moment I was afraid, but the curiosity was greater. I took some photos. The place was abandoned but the view is great. Could retrieve the location and make it a safe place and a meeting point. I was curious and I have been searching on the internet about the location. I found the story of you and congratulations. We could put together a group for exploring the interior of the building. Once again congratulations on the matter
      Paulo Moura

      1. Hi Paul, that's great that you and your daughter enjoyed the view is really beautiful!With Sun then forget it. About the restoration has a page on facebook called the Rodovia Presidente Dutra Road Monument that has some information on this “fight” the restoration and conservation of the lighthouse. I think it's a good idea to bring a crowd to explore the inside, I've seen some photos over the internet, but go in person must be another emotion. Thank you for your kind comments about our story. The Outside of the bag has multiple stories published and many more to come. If you want to join us we have facebook page, instagram and now a newsletter that you can sign, whenever we publish a new post you will receive a warning by e-mail. Keep us!


          1. Hi Wesley in the polls that I did anything was mentioned about this tragedy. By all appearances was a road to homagem. If I find any new information I will let you know =)

        1. Julia, good night. I was here watching the comments on the road monument,can get into it without problems he's abandoned but it's quiet i'm resident here…. After they took out the portinarios was left unvigilant….pq were of value. There it is now like this,but it's a wonderful view….

        2. A pity the abandonment!!! Public money thrown away!!! The federal government has to give a concession for the building to return to work!!!!

          1. It would be amazing to get back to work right Dico? Plus a great point to take a break stretch your legs.

    3. I've been and taken some pictures, I confess to you for the grandeur of the area and for the abandonment I was afraid, pq didn't know if there were strange animals or even people who take shelter there.
      It's very beautiful, pity it's abandoned and totally dammed.

    4. Bom ainda hoje fui até lá com meu filhos subimos até a parte mais alta e a vista é linda mas o abandono deixa o local estranhos e com impressão de perigo mas não vimos nada demais além de algumas caixas de marimbondo que se não mexer com eles são invencíveis, e como estar no interior de um castelo dá medo porém é interessante. Recomendo para os corajosos com alturas e lugares sombrios.

  2. I've been there, I looked outside and the Windows, I took some photos, the feeling in visit the place is indescribable, a mixture of curiosity, fear, Mystery, Adventure, the doors were with padlocks. In my childhood in São Paulo the buses passed by there and I could only watch from afar, today in 2016 with 55 years back from one of our trips combined with my wife we stopped there to kill the curiosity, upon arriving home I was researching the history of the place, one of the links I directed the video of Raphael and Rubens to this on youtube, (Road Monument – Serra das Araras Raphael and Rubens adventures…), Watch, and excitement to accompany was tension and mystery, I can't tell you why but it was exciting, congratulations for their courage.

    Anyone who wants to feel that emotion is just watch the video,

  3. Super cool this post! Great attitude. Thanks. Step over there for years and always thought I'd go see what it's like and have the curiosity to know what was. A pity that an asset with this artistic and cultural value have been dumped in the open.

    1. Hi Ana Clara,
      Indeed a true sin the abandonment, even more when you could be a super stop to who's traveling.
      I'm glad you enjoyed the report! Keep watching the blog! There's a lot of good things coming around! =)

  4. The lighthouse today, I was curious and decided to search again. Thank you very much for the information. Looks like they're working on at least do mato, because they just cut. The view is still beautiful. This time had some people and the environment was safe. There are many time ago, I went on the inside of the lighthouse and heard a weird deck, as if there were people inside and left with fear. And, today as I had commented, I felt very safe.

    1. Hi Diogo! Damn good news! Always glad to know they're taking care of these historic places, Hopefully at some point take heart to do something more serious for the same construction. Very adventurous you, I didn't have the heart to enter not hahaha Keep following us! Kisses

  5. Congratulations for the post! I was there today, keep locked up and abandoned, but it's gratifying that ramp up and enjoy the view and the sunken panels on the history of our country!

    1. Hi Bruno! Glad you liked the post! A shame that a place with a view of those continue abandoned. Maybe one day someone can reactivate and restore, It would be pretty cool. As for vista, impossible not to love is not even? A stop worth at visual. Keep following us =)

  6. I walked into this museum only once, College Tour, was little, It's been years. Why he's been closed for so many years ?

    1. Hi Rubens, as far as I'm concerned is because of abandonment even, deactivated the lighthouse and after that he was abandoned.

      1. Very sad, I wanted to go back there, because when I went on tour of the College, I was a teenager. Say there exists a collection of very important frames.

        1. Hi Rubens, the frames have been removed have some time, today really is completely abandoned and empty.

  7. Today on the spot, the grass was recently corded, However the structural part very abandoned, the Lake with water stop, invitation to mosquitoes. One of the doors was open, I had the courage to venture into the lighthouse, the ascent to the top was bigger than I imagined, many steps, and many hives of Hornet, so many Hornets, I went to find with a sting in the leg at the last ladder thing already, that is of type snail. But the view was worth it, pretty much all that nature of mountains, closed vegetation and numerous lakes that formed between the mountains.

    1. Our Eduardo, You guts!! No doubt it's pretty tempting to climb the lighthouse, and I'm sure the view must be jaw-dropping even more if the day is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your experience with us! I hope you feel better soon WaSP bite, and hope to stop that sooner or later some authority to recover the site. Keep following us! =)

  8. Very good this post!!!!
    Since little girl always had mta curious what was and what was in that place, that I loved, thrilled and I was causing certain “Adrenaline” all vz that comes down the mountain. We are the river, but we live in Sao Paulo for almost 30 years ago. Still “I feel” in my childhood memories that peculiar smell of the Serra das Araras (HJ in day, It seems that until the smell got lost), to ask my parents to wake me when we get in the Sierra to see the descent (and so it was with my tbm fikha that hj got 17 years), to be glazed and love every curve, each story my parents told of events that way, Remember tbm of joy and emotion that I felt in my first descent of the mountain where I was driving, Anyway, However, just about 1 year, I finally met a bit of that place that I stirred curiosity since little. It was great to be there, where part of our history, the evolution of our country, for details and registration so important has been losing, as was “lost” that taste of the saw of my memories. I'm immensely saddened by the lack of commitment, disregard, disrespect and the old game of push push the authorities comes demonstrating with every story of the cultural heritage of our country!!! A PITY WE DON'T HAVE HABIT AND CULTURAL EDUCATION!!!
    My last stop at the location was in 29/12/18, with my daughter and mother. The site is still abandoned. The moment something happens with this site, as well as coming up with so many other, recently some museums, the location “win” visibility and become “famous and trendy” momentarily.

    PS: recommend a stop, MSM that soon to enjoy the scenery, watching the few remaining construction details (outside that is). Register a nice picture.


    1. Hi Alessandra, I'm glad you enjoyed the post!
      Curiosity by Lighthouse just making me create this post. After so many passed through there I couldn't resist on up and try to find out a little about him.
      I hope that someone in authority take responsibility and take care of before I fall, or burn. Because the place has a great view and it would be an incredible infrastructure of bar/restaurant/cafeteria, and even without any of this agree, worth a stop for the view!
      Just like you I am very sad with the neglect on the history and culture, I try to do my part by disseminating and encouraging museums, In addition to guided tours of exhibitions.
      Keep following us =)

  9. You provided a back to the past pluperfect. My father, deceased for two years, When we were small children, I was looking for keep us awake in the ascent of Serra das Araras making us wait to see “light wheel”. We traveled on weekends between the interior of the State of the river and the coast in a Rural and children often intoxicavam with gas fumes inside the vehicle. Recommended-if not let them sleep. Always come back to the Valley and he said not to sleep, otherwise we would lose the spectacle. I loved the lighthouse, then ' work and the light turned. This Lighthouse dwells in my childhood. I'm excited. God bless you!

    1. Hi Ana!
      Our exciting reading your statement. Are statements like this that encourage me to continue to write on the blog. Thanks for sharing your memories with me. Keep following us!

    1. Hi Stephen,
      Yes the Lighthouse still exists, stay on the descent of the Serra das Araras. But as I said, He is abandoned, the ideal is to visit him just outside and enjoy the view.
      Keep following us =)

  10. I, I have visited and was saddened by the abandonment and depredation of the Lighthouse, i even got interested in doing a research and i came to send an msg to an organ saved mistake I sent to Iphan and they didn't give me a damn, thank God Julia got a better research and which I was very happy, really it's good to go with a group of people because it gives a little fear given to the abandonment that lies, but to see the grandeur of the monument.

    1. Hi Adalberto,
      glad that my research can help a little bit your curiosity. Who knows, after all this madness, i don't do another visit and update with newer photos?

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