Naval Museum

As I said in the post on Fiscal island, We take the time that was left to meet the Naval Museum. We thought at first we'd managed to follow the Guide, But how do we get to eat, It didn't ... next time.

The visit of the museum rooms are divided into 2 parts, the first almost at the front door tells the evolution of the boats, Displays the devices used to navigate and explains why the Portuguese left in search of new lands. I thought it was super cool to proposal of the plastic boxes with the spices in so we can smell, too bad the whole ginger reek no.

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Spice boxes

"Technology" for navigation has a showcase only for them. Known our history lessons: compasses, compasses and astrolabes. The only item that I had been presented was this cord with two stumps of wood. For a moment I thought they were the famous strings with us, that measured the speed of vessels, so the nautical speed is in us. But to my surprise it was a tool used by Asians to measure the height of the stars, known as Boards of India.

Era technology for navigation
Era technology for navigation
Skeleton construction
Skeleton construction

I love the skeleton of the Caravel, and the explanation of the construction technique. Portuguese shipbuilders developed a technique called rigid skeleton, where they built the structure before the outside. What was perfect to control the shape of the hull that was essential for ships that go to the open sea. They didn't make many drawings of the project, the main reference was an articulated wooden mold kind of showcase.





Comparison between the 3 main models of boat. From left to right: Caravela, Ship and Galleon
Comparison between the 3 main models of boat. From left to right: Caravela, Ship and Galleon

CARAVELAS – Probably based on fishing vessels, the caravels were ideal for the coastal farm.

NAUS – They were used for transporting larger volumes, mainly for trade.

GALLEON – Warships, they were armed and more reinforced the ships.

In one interactive screen it is possible to explore the maps of the 16th century.

Interactive map
Interactive map

Maybe not many people know but the pirates had a "relative" next, the Corsairs, nothing more was that people with carte blanche to plunder or shoot down other trade ships, While those who had no such authorization became pirate.

In a corner of the room did a setting of the inner part of a ship, with cannon and "vista" to the sea.

Ambiance of the inner part of a ship
Ambiance of the inner part of a ship


My face: "tira logo a foto porque está pesado"
My face: “take the picture because it's heavy”

I'm tired of seeing in movies people loading the cannon balls on the deck, I've always been curious to know the actual weight of the Nice iron ball. It's not like they have a ball for you raise? or try to.. I went on faith that was heavy but still, I couldn't get up in the first, from the picture you can see my expression of I am making effort and smiling. Is much too heavy, from what I researched on the internet, the cannonballs weighed ships up to 16 kg!


The end of the walk in this room was a bit hectic because of the time, but they show Brazilian Navy uniforms in its beginnings, coats and a map with interactive lights indicating where each confrontation occurred on the coast.

The second part of the visitation of the Museum is on the side of the inner courtyard. The room is small compared to other part of visit mentioned before.(This was the first part we went, We did it backwards, patience) It is possible to admire and understand the evolution of war vessels in countless miniature reproductions. Each more detailed than the other. Pretty much same! Only problem is the caption background black blue, that doesn't help for reading (time design).

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Super detailed thumbnails
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Super detailed thumbnails II

In addition to these two rooms, in the courtyard of the Museum, are exposed various military artifacts, (off course). The mine and torpedo located on the floor, simulating as if they were under the water, are super interesting.

Torpedo and mine disabled
Torpedo and mine disabled

Only despair are children who run and jump on top of the glass frantically, gives a certain agony. As we waited in the queue we were able to admire the showcase with numerous decorations. All very worked up and color.

The window decorations
The window decorations

It could not pass the visit to the museum gift shop, I can't resist a museum gift shop, even if I don't go buy anything, I need to get, you're stronger than me. The store is jam-packed of nautical items, of pins the replicas of ships, watches, compasses and decorative hatches. I confess that I did not to take one of those traditional paintings of us for my father, another time come back with easy.

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How can you resist a store of souvenirs is not?

With this, carimbamos another square in our Museums Passport! And we leave for the Fiscal Island. I intend to come back with more easy to do the tour in brief, and increase the post.

Naval Museum's stamp
Naval Museum's stamp


General information – Naval Museum

Duration of the tour

The time that you want to pass inside the Museum


From Tuesday to Sunday from 12:00 to 5:00 pm

On Saturdays and Sundays, the 11:30 and 2:00 pm they offer the service of “FOLLOW THE GUIDE” It is a guided tour, without cost.



– Info taken from the Sea 1000 site –


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