Murano and the fascination with glass factory

When I planned this trip to Italy I had some dreams in my bag. One of them was to see up close a craftsman working with glass. Had watched millions of times on the internet they doing glass horses in minutes and needed to watch live. So nothing more natural than being in Venice, take a vaporetto to Murano. Many people told me it was worth taking advantage of, and also it is close to Burano (Torcello, I'm sorry but not this time). This tour is usually done in combination with the other 2 Islands, for those who have little time it is recommended to choose only one of the Islands since the full trip takes almost all day. We didn't get a very pretty day to navigate, It was windy, the long closed and the sea goose bumps. But none of that took my spirits to know Murano, turns out it was just more or less 1.5 km away from Venice.

leaving for Murano with the somewhat strange time
leaving for Murano with the somewhat strange time

We boarded the ferry as guidance, the information window, had to take it or the line 4.2 or the 4.1 because both went out there from the time of St. Mark's Square and go to Burano. We boarded our 12:00 am pass (important remember to validate before taking the vaporetto) and we were. The boat is tight, We've discovered that the day before when we arrived and we bag and baggage to the hotel. The time you lose in offset is absurd, the vaporetto is not the fastest means of transport in the world and to complete where you look there's a giant group of Eastern tourists filling up somewhere.


for cat lovers, glass gatenhos, many of the shops they ask that their Windows are not photographed ... Unfortunately
for lovers of cats, glass Christmas kittens, many of the shops they ask that their Windows are not photographed… Unfortunately, as it is a free style of each

Thus in one of the charts went down more than half of the people who were on the boat, with this in view he hit panic in the family thinking that we had done something wrong and because of the pressure I decided to get off at following to get another boat. We went down, and in a flash of a second saw the ferry headed for the island to front, Murano, we getting back and playing we had dropped no less than in the cemetery of Venice. The station was called “Cimitero” but not for one second it hit me that in fact would be a. Since we lost our boat (literally) and it would take to pass another we enter quickly just to meet, It's very nice, much more interesting and light that you have here in Rio, and of course that was having a funeral, why if not where would the fun be right? Plus take another boat that we serve, all passing came FULL UP!! After a certain waiting managed to squeeze and move. And you think that only in the subway of the river you have to squeeze to get?

Venice cemetery
Venice cemetery
We at the cemetery and Murano right there ....
We at the cemetery and Murano right there….

mosaic of welcome "" When we arrived the Murano
mosaic of “Welcome” When we arrived the Murano

Murano, Despite much-publicized, It's not an island of Venice, in reality it is an archipelago formed by 7 Islands, relatively small, connected by bridges. Murano was settled by the Romans around the 6th century, but only in 1291 that started the shelter in weight glass manufacturers / Crystal that formerly were in Venice. The masters of glass were forced to change thanks to a decree of the most Serene Republic due to numerous accidents that the ovens were in Venice since most of the buildings were made of wood. After all, to form large ovens are necessary and glass high temperatures. In addition to this reason, with the concentration of masters of glass in Murano was easier to control them, its outputs of the Islands were allowed only with a special permit, This measure was intended to prevent the spreading manipulation techniques for the rest of the world. Undue outputs could be punished with death!



the friendly goldfish that we're comparing price
the friendly goldfish that we're comparing price

Murano is a charm, Despite the large amount of tourists I found extremely easy. It seems that we travel in time: the squares, the poles with clothes in the Windows is all very poetic/melancholy. After a long journey in glass shops to find the best price for a course of Goldfish, I decided to pick a place to watch a demonstration of a glass master.


the Murano charm
the Murano charm
one of the channels of Murano
one of the channels of Murano

I had read that many shops offer free views of its glass masters, but it took me to find one that had a sign on the door. I walked sheepishly down a hallway kind of ugly you could in a large lighted shop filled with cups and sculptures. I was drooling over there a long time. One of the attendants noted that I was wanting to see the presentation, nudged the store owner called us to watch. We sat in a wooden grandstand, that seemed ready to receive some 50 persons , the master entered (was the store owner, Sandro) and performed just for us, I felt special.

the store entrance - google street view image
the store entrance – google street view image

He talked about some things short as would messing in the glass, It's tiring stage the thing every day, several times a day, but to me turistona and delighted everything was great! First he made a glass with those colored dots very cool, Although not my style, but it didn't kill my will. Suddenly he came back with another tube with that ball of fire color at the tip and the pictures speak for themselves.

an orange ball to a blue tit
an orange ball to a blue tit
out-of-touch _ murano_16
the window with the letters and drawings made for Sandro

Of course I could not resist and wanted to purchase a horse for me. The problem is that the well made cost more than 30 euros!!! I'm glad he had a session on items shop say, not very well finished by 6 euros. I bought my beautiful blue tit who became a drama during the trip not to break and still, doing pretty well the entire trip, on the last day arrived with the broken leg but nothing a Superglue doesn't fix. After a while the Sandro chatted a little with the people at the store, showed the pieces he most loved, including a super delicate cups and worked that he confessed that didn't sell for anything. In one of the displays we found letters and paintings in homage to Sandro and his work, many including children.

some of the alleys of Murano
some of the alleys of Murano
the clock tower and " sculpture Comet di vetro"
the clock tower and sculpture “Comet di vetro”

I found Murano charm, I wonder the peaceful life of the people in those homes and alleys. A "for sale" Board to get to try us, but:

1- must be a fortune.

2- I don't think it would survive long in this lull.

For those who enjoy churches it is still possible to visit the Basilica of Santa Maria and Donato. Unfortunately you can't photograph inside. But outside no problem, is a very pretty all crafted in bricks, I think the bottom of the Basilica is prettier than the input, has an empty space on the facade above the door seems to be missing something. On the entry says that it was built in the 7th century and rebuilt in the 12th century. The mosaics of the floor and walls are the 12th-century paintings from the 13th century. Inside she is quite simple, What draws attention is the stunning mosaic that sits above the altar, a madonna praying with the golden background, the Byzantine style used in the mosaic is the same stunning mosaics of Ravenna (We visit and tell soon, I swear). For those who have no plans to go to Ravenna peeking mosaic to be impressed and maybe add this city so incredible to your screenplay. Practically stuck in the Church is the Bell Tower, with a war memorial at your feet approximately 1927.

Basilica of Santa Maria and Donato
Basilica of Santa Maria and Donato

Anyway I killed my desire to see the horse of glass being made on time. And break in new venture to buy a glass pendant to me. I think the best tip for those who want to buy is to hit leg to find a price that you consider fair. Because a lot of times you can't get back in the shop that you like and then it was.

With horsie, pendant and other notable tourist trinkets in hands went on our walk to Burano another nice Venice island known for colorful facades of its houses and duplex House. Count here How was our visit.


Blue tit with the patched leg
Blue tit with the patched leg

Tips from the out of Touch – Murano

Check out WELL the number of the vaporetto that goes to Murano and don't get off at the station “Cimitero”... then enter another boat is a childbirth. You can check out the vaporetto lines in this link you have a map with lines. If this does not work there's this other link that gives you more options to find the rows that you need.

If you are one of those tourists who can't resist visiting a cemetery, be sure to get off at the station “Cimitero”, is cute (within the typical aspect of cemeteries)

I know it's tempting but don't go shooting the Windows of the shops here, most does not allow picture and leave this clear with scattered tickets through the window.

What to do in Murano?

Walk a lot
Walk the streets and get lost by the narrow streets to get to know the Islands.

Shop Windows
Admire the shop windows of several shops scattered Murano, It is possible to admire exotic pieces to masterpieces.

Watch a demonstration of a master craftsman
Find a store that offers demonstration of glass master. Pay attention because some just release by buying pieces in the store.

Museo Del vetro
Visit the glass museum, Learn the history of crafts, and look beautiful and unusual pieces.

Visit the Basilica of Santa Maria and Donato
Visit the Basilica and be enchanted by the Byzantine mosaic on the top at the altar.

Admire the exotic sculpture Comet di Vetro
There is no denying that is peculiar…

Where we were?

Fondamenta Venier, 38/the
30141 Murano (VE) Veneto ITALY
Phone: 0039 041736603 Fax: 0039 0415274420

2 thoughts to “Murano and the fascination with glass factory”

  1. Wow, too much ! Makes me want to go back and do it all over again because there's always the feeling q we let something pass!
    BJS and thanks again!

    1. That's true, always gives the impression that we could have done more a photo from another angle, visited anything else. But it was still great!

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