Burano and the colorful houses

We left towards Murano Burano. During our crossing (7km far from Venice) the weather decided to give a relieved. This time we got lucky and went on stools "exclusive" from the back of the vaporetto. To access Burano, In addition to the vaporetto you can follow by land across the bridge to Mazzorbo (one of the islands of Venice ). We arrived in Burano and we were greeted by a gale, the weather had improved, but not that much. You (and all the touristic leisures) down in a square with a few restaurants in the vicinity. Many of them are famous for pasta dishes with fresh seafood.

arriving in Burano
arriving in Burano

We continue our hike to meet the friendly channels of the city bordered by beautiful coloured houses. Burano as Murano is not exactly an island but a group of islands connected by bridges. Today is divided into five islands: San Martino right, San Martino left, San Mauro, Giucecca and Newfoundland that are separated from each other by their channels: River Bridge, Rio and Rio Zuecca Newfoundland. It's all very charming looks like a scale model of the city is so perfect that is. The colors of the houses, Today undoubtedly the main feature of the island, have already been used to delimit properties. But there is a legend that says that the fishermen painted their homes, to recognize them from afar after spending a long time at sea fishing, I read somewhere else that the legend was actually to see fishermen better their homes when I was sea mist strong, especially in winter. But don't think that nowadays the residents can leave painting the facades with random colors. The Government is the one who determines what should be the color of each, There is a whole bureaucracy to paint the façades.


the houses of Burano
the houses of Burano
the colors on all sides
the colors on all sides

The story of the origin of Burano account that the inhabitants of Altino to escape the barbarian invasions, took refuge in the islands of the lagoon of Venice, thus giving the names of the gates of the city: Murano, Mazzorbo, Burano, Torcello and Ammiana Costanziaco. Already the Burano name comes from “Door Boreana” due to its location, Northeast, direction in which the wind blows. They say that "natural ventilation" the island helped the city to be free of malaria in older times. I guarantee that the wind remains steadfast and strong in the land of Burano.

one of the channels of Burano and the church tower in the background
one of the channels of Burano and the little tower of the Church in the background
miniature of Burano, We bought a boat for souvenir
miniature of Burano, We bought a boat for souvenir

Burano in the beginning of its history the main fishing economy. Later rents have taken your place. This activity which has enriched Burano and exported their crafts to the world. The craft was specializing the point of having a professional school on the island turned to the techniques of income. Of course, today it's hard to find original effectively lace Burano, but you can still find many choices of scarves, scarves and other pieces of cloths and fabrics. We bought several scarves to present there including us grind out of the wind. Currently the main economy of Burano is tourism. The most interested in the art of income, in Burano, one can visit a museum devoted exclusively to that: the Museo del Merletto.

out-of-touch _ burano_07
the intensity of the colors

Tourists who are, Choose a stool for a snack before continuing to run along the banks of the canals. After much admire and photograph the nice houses of Burano, We ate some delicious cannoli (If it had been just one was a cannolu). Sweet more than typical Italian from Palermo and Messina, the cannoli were made during the Italian Carnival.

Stuck in Burano is Torcello, an island practically ghost these days with very few inhabitants. The economy is solely generated by tourism. Unfortunately this time I didn't have time to visit, who knows in another visit is not? I could have sworn that there was a picture made of vaporetto of Torcello, but I think it's just in my head even…

break for lunch
break for lunch

The return trip to Venice takes a little (especially if you take the vaporetto that makes the way bigger) and exhausted, Obviously we would like to take a NAP. Family trip is so: messed up sleeping was clicked, We have a collection of these photos. We arrived at the Piazza of San Marco at the end of the afternoon, After having given a great back with the vaporetto that we took, still joined forces to meet the wonderful Museo Correr in the Piazza of San Marco, How was this tale visit this post on the museo (COMING SOON).

but nothing nice on our back
Sea nothing nice on our back

What to do in Burano?

Admire and photograph the colorful facades of houses

We recommend getting lost in the streets to learn more and do amazing photos.

Visit the Museo del Merletto
As I said in the text, Burano ever had as main income economy, at the Museo del Merletto you can learn a little about the history of these lace so fine that conquered the world. We were not mainly because I didn't know you had this Museum, but I read some people saying that if you have time it is worth.

Visit the Chiesa di San Martino
The Church was built in the 16th century, and restored several times. Its Tower can be seen featured in one of the channels of Burano, This tower as well as many of their sisters throughout Italy is half pie even has some cables helping in support. Outside follows the same style of Church of Murano, all crafted in bricks.


-historical information taken from the site Isola di Burano

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