Botanical Garden of Curitiba

Marco more than famous of Curitiba for the beautiful greenhouse that has, the Botanical Garden was inaugurated in 5 October 1991 and occupies an area of approximately 278mil m ². Also known as Reshma Garfunkel Rischbieter Botanical Garden is a tribute to urban planner (one of the pioneers in the work of urban planning of Curitiba).

map of the garden
map of the garden

The garden of sensations opened in December 2008, space for the visitor to contact with several species of plants of different shapes, textures and aromas. We're not part of the garden of the sensations, but the proposal is super cool, blindfolded you're taken to meet various plants. A blindfold is optional. It reminded me a bit of the garden that has in Inhotim.

But don't you come in and give into the greenhouse, you need to walk a bit to get in the arches at the entrance of the French garden, that unfortunately was all dry flowers (the arches). From there Yes you can admire the whole garden and greenhouse.

arriving in the greenhouse
arriving in the greenhouse (Photo of the day)
Garden arches
Garden arches ( Photo of the day 2 )

The greenhouse is the main attraction and is located at the end of this super geometric garden in French style. Before the stairs to the greenhouse a source completes the landscape. Curitiba seems to have a certain fascination with glass structures, the greenhouse was built with iron structure and ceilings and glass walls. Its design is beautiful and delicate, seems to have been done with pen. With three vaults in art-nouveau style your project developed by the architect Abraham Assad was inspired by the Crystal Palace from 19TH century London. Inspired, because the Crystal Palace was very, but much bigger. The greenhouse is heated and it's not hard to feel the temperature difference from the outside in. In its interior you can find species of the Atlantic forest as Caraguatá, Caeté and Palm.

the beauty of perspective
the beauty of perspective
the stove seen from behind only to have no one in the photo
the stove seen from behind only to have no one in the photo

Be sure to go upstairs to the second floor of the greenhouse and do a photo getting almost any garden, just remember that there are other people who also want to photograph, so don't be like the family that was in front of us and took a century in this process.

view from the second floor of the greenhouse for the garden, a beauty to geometry
view from the second floor of the greenhouse for the garden, a beauty to geometry

The Botanical Garden still has trails for visitors, Auditorium, Research Center, temporary exhibition rooms, and the Municipal Botanical Museum currently ]has the fourth largest Herbarium the country, with approximately 400 1000 samples-dried plants prepared for botanical collection – in addition to collection of wood samples and fruits.

inside the greenhouse
inside the greenhouse
inside the greenhouse
inside the greenhouse 2
a view inside the second-floor kiln
a view inside the second-floor kiln

We didn't get a very pretty day on first visit but the next day we went with our friends was with blue sky and Sun, Unfortunately it was the only attraction that we had time to get them all. The Botanical Garden is eclectic and has room for everyone. Making your Bridal photo shoot, the children rolling down hill lawn doing race, families strolling or us tourist.

one of the tests for brides
one of the tests for brides

In short be sure to go to the Botanical Garden of Curitiba and if you have more time to spare than we enjoy to sit under a tree and enjoy the late afternoon.

Tip of Fora da Toca

people happy with your cookies
people happy with your cookies

At the entrance of the botanical garden it is possible to do shopping in the store "Curitiba" or buy a water in the cafeteria next to. From outside you can buy balloons or those numerous toys for kids to have fun and fortune cookie Chinese chip type, or biju, or don't know what it's called in your city, but every place has and is wonderful and I have not hit do, who has the recipe I'm accepting.

Important Information – Botanical Garden of Curitiba

Entry: Free

Address: Rua Eng°. Ostoja Roguski, s/n°. – Botanical Garden.
Schedule: From 6:00 to 9:00 pm – during daylight saving time. / From 6:00 to 8:00 pm – during the winter time.

Phone: (41) 3264-6994 (Administration) / 3362-1800 (Museum).

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