Meet the Barigui Park

As I told you in the post about the Automobile Museum, We take advantage of the parking lot to meet the Barigui Park. Created in 1972, and occupying about of 1.400.000 M2 the Barigui Park more of Curitiba. We had that for sure, When we got there. The racetracks were packed.

trees in contrast with the blue sky of the Parque Barigui
the day was really nice, look at that blue sky
beautiful day of blue sky with people exercising in the Park Barigui
super Park full

The word indigenous origin and means Barigui “fruit thorny River”, regarding araucárias region pine cones. In the Park we could find the mascots of the town, Nice Capybaras sunbathing by the Lake. I tried to get as close as possible to take a picture without scare them. When I met a small capybara created for dogs, for her it was like piassava broom, and she loved to tickle the belly, Very funny.

Capybara sunbathing on the lawn near the Lake in Parque Barigui
Capybara very nice sunbathing
2 people sitting on the edge of the Lake of the Barigui Park with the buildings of the city in the background
people enjoying the sunny day

In addition to the capybara you can find geese, ducks, various birds and many fish in the Lake, children are fascinated to see them from the top of the bridge. It's a great place to spend the afternoon with the family or doing exercises.

a group practice taichi in Barigui Park Lawn
space for all kinds of activity

The Park is quite eclectic room for various types of activities, people sit on the grass or play football, area for those who practice music, rollerblading or bicycle.

view from the top of the bridge in the park where you can see ducks and fish in the Lake
view from the top of the bridge
ducks sunbathing on the Lake in Parque Barigui
everyone sunbathing

The race tracks as I said were loaded, and also outdoor gyms. I feel a certain envy of cities have parks and the use. Here the river is difficult because they end up abandoned and people are afraid to attend.

Tip of Fora da Toca

Enjoy your visit to the Park to meet the Automobile Museum is across the street and super worth it.

Important Information – Barigui Park


The Park doesn't close, but the shops and restaurants have their own timetables.


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