Trilha da Pedra Bonita

If you want a privileged view of Rio de Janeiro and don't have the Pike required to face the trail of Pedra da Gávea, I have the solution to your problems! The trail of the Pedra Bonita. Mainly known for free flight ramp which has more landings in the world, on good days more 500 flights are registered, between hang-glider and paragliders. The trail is very quiet and with a great reward.

Robson giving the first instructions

Our ride was done in partnership with the Ecoesporte River, a company focused on tours that run the "turistão" usual, In addition to being well geared for the contact with nature. Our tour guide was Robson, very high spirits, super nice and patient. We started the trail stretching a bit to warm up and avoid injuries.

Board with instructions for the trail

Considered level 2, the trail is practically flat, with some parts a little more puxadinhas especially the day we went because it had rained in the days before and was a little bit slippery. Our advantage actually was exactly that, like the previous days had been pretty bad, Despite being weekend track and the Plateau were pretty empty. Our guide Robson said that depending on the day is absurdly full, with queue to do photo in any angle more interesting, He said have already counted more than 100 people in the plateau.

Bora up!

Although it is not necessary a guide to this trail, having him makes all the difference. The walk gets another look, When you have someone with knowledge of the place. We stopped at some strategic points during the climb to see famous points of the river, and other places known for their tracks, as the Pico do Papagaio and Pico da Tijuca, one of the highest the River with 1021m high, the Pico da Tijuca takes more or less 1:00, and is considered level 2, that is is ok to do.

view of Christ one of the points of the trail

Oh the miquinhos!

the famous miquinhos star

Marmosets, Yes the friendly miquinhos star, are pests in Southeast, brought from Bahia for many years as pets and even for animal trafficking, spread through the city became a real Prague the very nature. Predators, they are one of those responsible for the decline of the Golden Lion Tamarin, represent competition to the marmosets natives of Southeast, Besides the reduction of local wild birds, since they often feed on the eggs.

Whether or not plague are wild animals and cute they are should not be fed by us, or with fruit and much less processed foods.

pulling part of the trail, but as you can see no big deal

Through a sting was arrived at the enormous plateau. The view is jaw-dropping for many minutes. Even I, Carioca, I know the city enough and I've had the pleasure to admire her from so many angles, be in awe. I think the Beautiful stone plateau guard one of the most fantastic and complete panoramic of Rio de Janeiro. On the left you see, Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Canterbury Court, Copacabana beach, Arpoador, Ipanema / Leblon, Two brothers and São Conrado.

view from the left

Already on the right side you can admire, the full extent of the Praia da Barra, the lagoons in Barra, Beach of booking, Pontal rock, Grumari and beautiful as the day our trail, You can see the stone turtle and wild beaches.

view from right side
plateau has place to take picture of those that the family gets to die

For me the most interesting thing about this trail, She's extremely easy, and render this sensational views. The biggest advantages on the trail of the Gávea Stone are: the level of difficulty (Gávea is already level 3), the time spent, and the beautiful stone you have a beautiful view of the great head of the Emperor.

the majestic Emperor's head is facing the plateau

Still I will give another chance at the Pedra da Gávea but when you are very well prepared physically, because when I went on gaiata almost come back loaded with so tired I was and even climbed the carrasqueira, Why was packed.

blogueiras brincam em foto perspectivada tentando pegar uma nota "gigante" of Dollar
The crisis makes us take every attitude..

I confess that I didn't want to come down. The view mesmerizes and it seems that no matter how long you stay there will not be enough to register such beauty, be with your eyes or with the camera. Unfortunately nowadays is not allowed to stay in the stone until the hour of sunset. Be careful not to lose the time to come down, After the 5:00 pm you can be fined if there.

the joy of a visual of these

After you went down, we were right there, We decided to hop on the flight ramp, that the day was super empty due to wind currents.

basic steps to get the ramp, now think up that carrying a delta wing!!!

The advantage of these moments without take-off is to be able to make a gorgeous photo on the flight ramp overlooking São Conrado, enjoy the river is really a privilege.

What's not to love?

Not only for this but for any trail, or contact with nature has that thought in mind.
"Don't take nothing but photos. Do not leave nothing but footprints. Don't kill nothing but time. Don't burn anything but calories. "
– Author unknown –

bloggers cariocas and our guide Robson

I would like to thank Robson, for shared so many legal tips and all patience with this group of bloggers, After all, we like to take a picture, and explored it a bit hehe, I especially would like to thank the rescue of my coat that tried to fly the rock and got stuck in the Bush. Guys don't let anything take loose, because the gusts of wind come from nothing! If anything your "take off" stay calm and don't run off madly behind, This can cause very serious accidents.

Beyond all the sympathy, Robson which is a plastic artist presented us with mini comics the river. He expose the feirinha do lavradio, that happens every first Saturday of the month, If you want to know a little more of his work, check out the Instagram the Carioca Screens.

Thanks for the present Robson!!

How to get to the trail of Pedra Bonita?

You can go by bus, private car or taxi / Uber. Remembering that the bus leaves on the road of the canoes across the House and after she still has a good steep hike and pulled until you reach the entrance of the trail. This walk is more pulled the trail, seriously, It is no exaggeration.
The bus lines that pass through the road of the canoes are the lines 448 and 302
For more information about the bus see moovit website

Uber average X:
leaving the South zone – 30/ 40 reais
leaving the tijuca – 25/ 33 reais
coming out of the bar – 18/ 24 reais
(estimated values on the day that the post was written in November 2018 )

Even going by car, It takes a bit of skill behind the wheel to climb after the House since the ramp is very steep and if it has rained in the previous days as was our case, She is super slippery.

Parking on Pedra Bonita?

Yes, not only has as it's free. But as I said before, you have to climb the steep ramp to reach the parking lot, and if you cannot, the options are reduced and with chance to fine. Some setbacks on the road of the canoes to stop the car, but as the folks at guardhouse warned, can yield fine, mainly in the indentation that is right in front of the guardhouse. It is also important to remember that depending on the weather, of time, and the day of the visit, not only vacancies as its track plateau are extremely crowded.

Need Guide to do the trail of Pedra Bonita?

The trail of the pedra bonita needs no guide but it is always recommended that you go accompanied by security issues. Unexpected and ill be happen without notice and it is always nice to be with someone else to have support in the event of an emergency or to ask for help. A good tip is to always carry a first aid kit. Anyway, as I said earlier, have a guide makes the tour more fun especially for those who enjoy tips and history of the places.

Mateiros – Ecoesporte River

In addition to the more traditional tours of the Ecoesporte River Trail offers a program called Mateiros, that happens every Sunday with several trails and voluntary contribution, so, you pay what you think is fair. These tours are disclosed in the Instagram of Ecoesporte River at the beginning of each month, and the style of trails is to please everyone, from lighter to heavier.

More posts about the trail of Pedra Bonita

This was more an action of our project #Rioúnico where we, bloggers cariocas, or who live in Rio, disclose the city of Rio de Janeiro and its various attractions, not only for tourists but for the locals who often little know the full potential and city tour options. So do not forget to check the posts written by other bloggers who attended this super tour!

Chikas StoresPedra Bonita
Let´s Fly AwayPedra Bonita
Cool TravelPedra Bonita
Olivia Panning aroundPedra Bonita

Tip of Fora da Toca – Trilha da Pedra Bonita

Choose a suitable outfit the practice of walking, light clothes, comfortable shoes, always remember the sunscreen, the repellent and clear water bottle.

Enjoy the trip to track and meet the jump ramp of Pedra Bonita. The view is beautiful, and the delta wing gives a special color to the landscape. Besides that, the ramp you will find a kiosk with food and bathroom.

Take away the trash that they do, nature thanks you!

If you are interested do not only this track as others with the Ecoesporte River, their contacts are at the end of the post.

Important information – Trilha da Pedra Bonita

average time   40 minutes (ascent)
Schedule  8h to 5:00 pm ( until the 6:00 pm in daylight )
Note that the rise is only allowed to the 2:00 pm, the descent from the Summit is the 4:30 pm, After the 5:00 pm if you are caught on the trail can be fined.
difficulty of the trail   level 2
price  free

more information on the Tijuca National Park website

Contact – Ecoesporte River

Site | Instagram | (F)acebook
Phones21 3495 4247 / 21 9 9742 9191 / 21 9 7458 5402


This blog is associated with the RBBV (Brazilian network of travel Bloggers).

The Group RBBV RJ, formed by locals blogs, is promoting its members, actions that value and exalt Rio de Janeiro, showing your beauty, its attractions and your diversity through the eyes of those who live in the city. A river more true for tourists, and a river more Demystified for the Carioca explore. Check out more about our work on social networks by #RIOunico .


4 thoughts to “Trilha da Pedra Bonita”

    1. Dear, I think gradually you have everything to loosen up and go if enabling these adventures, need support just call = D

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