Discover Ferrari & Pavarotti Land – a gastronomic and cultural tour

Search and read everything in life. After I was forced to rearrange my itinerary because of the Ferrari Museum, I left in search of more information. I was lucky to fall on this blog Milan in the hands in a text about the Ferrari Museum and more. That was the day I had the grace to discover the project Discover Ferrari & Pavarotti Land.

As I told EXPO Milan It was an event so big that mobilized the entire Italy, many regions took the opportunity to promote tourism in major cities and thanks to that the region of Emilia Romagna decided to create this tour. The initial proposal was that when the Expo ended the tour stop, but the success was size that they continued with the project and are improving with new attractions!

The tour essentially involves the city of Modena and Maranello which are a the other side. For those who are not staying there no problem, a bus leaves the station of Bologna to take you to the first stop where you exchange your voucher bought on the internet for the ticket. How lucky for us we stayed in Bologna does not? Just to remind you to buy these tickets over the internet, you need an international credit card!

doing time at the station of Bologna, focus to what you want
doing time at the station of Bologna, focus to what you want

The route is hop-on style and drop-off: where you want, you know the place, and then take the bus next to continue. The ride is a super opportunity to visit producers of typical items like cheese Parmegianno Regianno, Acceto Balsamico di Modena, prosseco Lambrusco, Raw Ham, In addition to the Ferrari Museum and the House of Enzo Ferrari. OK those are our priorities but had other attractions such as a visit to an ancient Abbey (This new route has no more), the historic centre of cities (that I didn't have time to do) and Pavarotti's House.

arriving in Modena
arriving in Maranell

The proposal was very cool because you paid a fixed value and could run 2 days for these pre-defined points. Now the value has fallen enough, We pay a 60 euro now costs 48, because the voucher is only for one day, but the amount of attractions also declined so you can see just about everything. Yet the entries in all the attractions are already paid (including wine tastings, cheese etc…) with guided tour, an attraction or another provides more experiences to those who want to pay extra for outside. On prosseco wine you could try more wines (In addition to the initially offered) If I paid the most for example.

Photo of the outside can not miss
Photo of the outside can not miss

We start our tour of the Ferrari Museum, because it was the first stop and we needed to change our vouchers by credit cards. You can check out our visit to the Museum of Ferrari by clicking here (COMING SOON). With the cards in hand we rushed to the Museum.

where Augustus rented Ferrari
where to rent a Ferrari

For lovers of high speed in front of the Museum has a car rental with several models of Ferrari and other sports.

Follow the tour coming on the farm of Lambrusco. There we were greeted by the Guide. We join the other visitors, some from the bus with us, other other buses from other attractions. The visit begins in the vineyard still outside, where obviously you won't resist taking a photo, and then moves into the property. Click here and check out how was our ride (COMING SOON).

the grapes there...
There the grapes…

Drunk wines, we boarded the bus for the next attraction Villani factory. They produce various types of salami and hams. The visit is not exactly at the factory, the Museum is next to, where with a guide they tell the whole process of manufacturing of various products. If you want to know more click here and visit (COMING SOON).

that's a lot of love for cheese, you don't know how good
that's a lot of love for cheese, you don't know how good

The next stop that we had chosen was the cheese factory 4 Madonne. The whole family is pretty addicted to cheese so it was a joy General can learn and see the whole process of manufacture. Besides of course, had the pleasure of tasting a cheese open on time. Our guide was very nice. Be sure to check in detail our visit the cheese factory, It was really good (COMING SOON).

the most pleasant surprise of the tour for sure, acetos like you've never seen
the most pleasant surprise of the tour for sure, acetos like you've never seen

The day was already over, and our plan was to follow for the Enzo Ferrari House Museum, but there's always a surprise trip and our couldn't be different. The plan fell to the ground when the van stopped at balsamic vinegar factory, that no doubt was outside our itinerary. The Guide opened the door and insisted both (nicely) to descend at that point that we were persuaded to meet factory. Believe me, It was the most amazing ride!! Click here and be sure to stop by the factory (COMING SOON).

returning to Modena to return to Bologna
returning to Modena to return to Bologna

We went back to Modena, in the late afternoon with the sun setting, from there we took the bus back to Bologna. The whole process is very organized, the cards are given every time you go down in one of the attractions. The guides make visits to English, Italian and some even in Spanish. The design is very cool, worth every penny, for practicality and convenience all. Enjoy which was extended is a super ride worth too much to be done!


Tip of Fora da Toca – Discover Ferrari & Pavarotti Land

Check out the official site the itineraries offered to schedule the places I want to visit.

Make your reservation / purchase of a ticket on the internet not to have a headache on time, remembering that this requires an international card.

For those who are in Bologna

The bus leaves almost from the front of the train station of Bologna is under the arches almost in front of a plate of the MC Donald s ´.

Important Information – Discover Ferrari & Pavarotti Land

More information to schedule your visit in site officer.

2 thoughts to “Discover Ferrari & Pavarotti Land – a gastronomic and cultural tour”

  1. Thanks for the quote from the blog… I'm glad that it helped.
    Andres – Milan in the hands

    1. Andres I have to agrader! Your blog has been an inspiration for my trip and now remains as a blog template! Thank you for so many wonderful tips shared! <3

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