Automobile Museum of Curitiba

Trying to make the most of our final hours in Curitiba, We decided to visit the Car Museum. If you expect to find next-generation cars like the Ferrari Museum in Maranello take your perspirations because here what you will find are those old classics, a charm only.

Automobile Museum's courtyard where we left the car
Automobile Museum's courtyard where we left the car

The first place we went in was the Veterans Pavilion. A room with race cars and old sports, I wonder how the lack of security in flying one of these. Imagine the first? Those type templates “Roadster”, where the pilot's helmet was practically a aviation Cap.

a prototype called MANTA
a prototype called MANTA


wall with old clothes and trophies
wall with racing clothing and trophies
all the Veterans room
almost all the Veterans Pavilion

The cars are exposed as in a large garage, each with its own information card with year, model and brand. Even though I'm not in love with cars like my annex honey, I can't resist a classic cart. I remember the first time I saw one of these was a miniature of the Kinder Egg. What's not to be charmed. With large plates of logos of cars scattered around the environment and period images on wall, is impossible not to get in the mood.

first part of the garage
first part of the garage
A Sport Roadster of the Humpmobile of 1930, never even heard of this brand by the way
A Sport Roadster of the Humpmobile of 1930, never even heard of this brand by the way
A Zephyr of Lincoln of 4 doors of the year 1939, It is very stylish!
A Zephyr of Lincoln of 4 doors of the year 1939, It is very stylish!

Has a model to suit all tastes, of great / trambolhudos Cadillacs, this passion for Ford that was Matte Leão factory car. Gives a great desire to get every detail of each car, the peculiarities of each is a passion.


The Chevrolet Impala 1958, Chevrolet logo right other than the current
The Chevrolet Impala 1958, Chevrolet logo right other than the current
My greatest passion of the Museum
My greatest passion of the Museum

The Automobile Museum was founded in 1976 to expose the collection of CAAMP members – Car Club and Mechanical Antiques of Paraná, which had been founded in 1968. With a collection that goes beyond 150 vehicles, the display models are exchanged from time to time to occupy the 70 Museum vacancies.

look at this Mercedão, at the back there's a car in the futuristic style, a Supercharged Cord Phaeton 1937
look at this Mercedão, at the back there's a car in the futuristic style, a Supercharged Cord Phaeton 1937
most beautiful cars
most beautiful cars
Second Hall of the Museum
Second Hall of the Museum
almost a pound of 1930
almost a pound of 1930
all in shades of blue
all in shades of blue

Tip of Fora da Toca – Automobile Museum

Be sure to take the camera to record these old cars.
If you go by car enjoy the parking lot of the Museum of the automobile to meet the Barigui Park, which is across the street.

Important information – Automobile Museum

R$ 10 (price 2016)


From Tuesday to Friday: 13:30 the 16:45
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 10:00 the 12:00 and of the 13:30 the 17:45


AV. Candido Hartmann, 2300 – Barigui Park

– historical information from the site the Automobile Museum

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