Sunset tour in Rio de Janeiro with the DD. River

For those who care to join me for a while you know how much I love everything related to the sea. Boating course is on that list. Take a tour of these and bonus enjoy the sunset on the wonderful city is special.

We found the DD. River via TripAdvisor, and due to your excellent assessment we chose to do the ride with them. Shortly after confirming my purchase Captain Matheus contacted by WhatsApp to settle the details of the tour, where to Board, duration and everything would be included in our tour.

start with this view is incredible

We left the Urca, on deck that is practically in front of the famous Bar Urca, a classic of the neighborhood and the South zone Rio. Maybe your main attraction is the short wall with cold beer and fresh fried sardines served on time, but the restaurant on the second floor is also worth stopping. Fair prices ( for Rio de Janeiro ) and very tasty food. Captain Matheus received us with 1 hour prior to tour time (16H30) for that we ( bloggers ) We could do some more exclusive photos. But you say, the view of Rio de Janeiro is so privileged that there's no shortage of opportunity to good photos during the tour.

pretending to be rich and successful

On deck we got a "speedboat" until the sailboat. Despite being "round" in boating this was my first time on a sailboat, and spoiler alert, I AMEIIII!!!! The name sailboat Called, has 34 feet and works both for motor and the candles. The boat has a capacity of 11 people and more 3 crew members.

giving a ride before the tour start

"Oh but I wanted the boat just for me", Yes! They do this kind of ride. If you want a special ride with snacks, drinks and custom songs, they do! Want to celebrate a special day? Ask someone to marry? Do bachelorette party? Virtually everything can be done with DD River, just get in touch and talk, they are super attentive.

the “Calls” arriving in Niterói

Returning to our Sunset tour After all visitors properly loaded and accommodated the sailboat part around 4:30 pm towards Niterói. The sail of the boat is quiet and smooth, no motor noise or smell super nauseating of diesel. Of course, part of the "soft" depends on the sea and the wind, We got a quiet day, But if for any climate condition the tour has to be cancelled they reimburse the client in 100%. In our case the draft was providential due to temperatures that summer in Rio de Janeiro can do for you hahahaha.

Fortress of Slab

Navigating towards the Niteroi across the Guanabara Bay you can admire on the right the Fort of São João followed soon after by the fortress of Slab, that is already disabled from 1994, There is no visit to the fortress of Slab, and the maintenance and cleanliness of it is done once a month by the team from Fort St. John. The view from the tour is beautiful and breathtaking. While drool with the natural beauty of Rio de Janeiro, the service kicks in. With several options of drinks and belisquetes. Juice, water, white wine, sparkling wine, caipirinha, soda, just ask ...

that caipirinha and the Captain Matheus with all your kindness in taking fruit on the bow
Eva and Adam Beach in Niterói

Then you ask me, a boat tour of these, How is diving? Rest assured dear reader, There's a quick stop delight for letting seawater take all your problems. Through the fortress of Santa Cruz, next to your entry are the beaches of Eve and Adam. Suspect that the name is to be compared to other secluded beaches like San Francisco or Icaraí where the buildings are across the street . Boat supported, time to play. Fish that I am couldn't resist. Convince the rest of the Pack is another story hahaha. Those who don't feel safe they offer pasta to aid in buoyancy. Don't you have anything better to recharge that Sun and sea.


the game is played!!!
and is there anything better than sea water?

Climb back on the boat requires a little help from crew, the stairs are a little short and climb alone is very difficult. After a few 15/20 minutes of bath. Follow sailing towards beautiful MAC Niterói contemporary art museum. Creation of famous Oscar Niemeyer. It was designed with the idea of "fill the void" between the mountains of Rio. The MAC I couldn't pull back back to Rio de Janeiro as the Sun begins to accelerate your way down behind the mountains.

the beautiful MAC

Already nearly aligned with the Santos Dumont Airport, we slowed down to wait for the sun go down even more and the sky start alaranjar. One of the things I love most in this vista Niterói X Rio de Janeiro is the sea of mountains and their silhouettes. Of course, with the sunset is more beautiful still. The shades of Orange and yellow go coloring the contours of the Sugar Loaf while we follow sailing toward the Urca following the sunset.

the shades of orange color the hills

Accept that you're going to hit 954837 pictures, There's no way to resist. As the sun goes down and the wind increases the chilly start hit. The more sensitive to the cold I recommend take a Cardigan for the ride, in case you've forgotten do not worry, the crew of the Calls provides blankets to leave the end of the trip super cozy.

returning to the river


and begins the spectacle of nature

We arrived at Urca with the last rays of Sun, the wall obviously PACKED, no room for thought in key places. In groups of 5, We left the boat and took the boat to return to mainland. The Sunset tour is delicious, the tour is perfect for you to enjoy an evening with tranquillity and admire the wonderful city on the other angle.

just amazing
the outline of the mountains of Rio
and the short wall obviously lotadaaaaa

Tips from the out of Touch – Sunset Tour in Rio de Janeiro

Some tips for choosing your place in the boat. If you like a wind in the face, privileged view, and the proximity of the sea, recommend staying in the prow of the boat ( the front ). There beats / shake a little more, But if you're not sick SUPER recommend. It's my favorite place since I was a kid. Now if you get seasick easily, not really into the swing and that a more stable ride recommend the stern of the boat ( the back ) There is more stable and a great refuge for those who eventually get sick in the Middle ride, In addition to having stools and stand next to captain. Maybe he doesn't let you live a little bit the fantastic experience that is piloting a sailboat?

boat where is made the ride

How to deal with nausea, Tips for before and during the boat ride. No one is immune if you get sick on a boat trip, so here are some tips to help you not play bait for fish:

1- avoid having fluid in the stomach, biscuits and salt water like saltines are a good thing to eat before the tour.

2- sit in the back of the boat, that's where shakes less. Good for those who already know they'll get sick or get sick in the middle of the sidewalk and want to retrieve.

3- If you get sick at sea is a constant for you are advised to take a Dramamine several hours before. Or any other motion sickness remedy that you are used to.

4- If you are Marie for being on a boat with motor diesel ( It is not the case of this ride) Despite the stern shakes, recommend staying there, away from the motor and observe where the wind is taking the smoke.

5- This may sound crazy but dive into the sea through sickness .

6- avoid moving or looking very down.

7- a good tactic for dealing with seasickness is staring at a fixed point on the horizon, preferably far away.


Important information – Sunset Tour in Rio de Janeiro

Duration about 3:00
Value from R$ 180 per person / Custom Tours has other values, check out the table of the DD. River ( price 2019)
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4 thoughts to “Sunset tour in Rio de Janeiro with the DD. River”

  1. I loved the text! And just kicking up! It was sooo hot walk with you (and the lap hahaha)! And that picture of Matheus taking fruits was willing to do it again

  2. Did, This ride , Sincerely wonderful , Wonderful city Good Music ,Very friendly and helpful staff. , Very Cortez, recommend
    And cheering and wishing to do another ride of that , Kill the Longing .

    Hug to Friend Matheus ,

    1. They are a spectacle even I have recommended to many people this tour, was simply wonderful! Keep following us =)

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