New year's Eve in Orlando! A child's dream!

Which child (of our generation) don't remember the propaganda video of the Disney parks (including the Park who lives in identity crisis, MGM Studios) that was always before the start of our beloved movies on VHS? For those who have not lived the "If you don't rewind the film has fine", in the old days (Oh how I feel old in these hours) We couldn't jump a chapter of the film, probably to madness of our parents who were required to listen to our pleas to meet Disney. Incidentally at this time, I never even knew existed the Universal Parks (wrong to ask, already existed? Hmm I searched here and opened in 1990).

poster for the inauguration of the Universal Park - Taken from the website Orlando informer -
poster for the inauguration of the Universal Park – Taken from the website Orlando informer –

A few years ago (We were grown) a friend of mine spent the new year at Disney, and that fact planted a seed that has been growing slowly, After all, Although grown man, It would be very nice to spend the turn of the year!

It all started when a planning a shopping trip in Miami suffered a slight change, After all man ... we'd be next to Orlando ... as weather in the world of HARRY POTTER. In the end the trip turned upside down and became ida Orlando and its parks with a brief pause for purchases. HAHAHA.

So the 3 children grown (Mari, ISA and I) We leave on the day 24 December for a trip low profile with many purchases, parks and roller coaster.


What can I say about this experience that I will report here in other posts.

  • It was a dream? Was.
  • It was worth it? For what we expected exceeded our expectations.
  • You'd be back? At the end of the year? Not tied!


and you think that only here the snack of the connections are ....
and you think that only here the snack of the connections are basic…

We went out on the night of the day 24, We had a layover in Atlanta because we went from Delta, the flight was very quiet, the plane had individual movie screens, all great. I sat in the middle of the chairs and blacked out happy until the connection to Orlando. So nice to have girlfriends to wake you up so you don't lose the snacks…

We went with everything [tooltip tip=”Julia says: almost everything done by the Agency of Augustus”]booked and paid[/tooltip], Hotel, car rental, parks and fast pass.

I think the best option for you so when you travel is already with all debts closed, and you don't have to keep looking card invoices with items from the trip that it's over. So you can already start planning another.




landing in orlando... not the most beautiful places in the world, but has the magic of the parks!
landing in orlando… It's not the most beautiful places in the world, but has the magic of the parks!
orlando airport
orlando airport

At the airport we've rolled a bit with the car. Our simple bags don't fit. We went to try another type within the class that we had rented but a crazed girl held the other 2 cars available with the family and not satisfied even locked one of them with the key in. They are not that kind of person rude that scurries in front and in the way everyone, None of this is necessary. As I said my uncle “rest assured that nothing will work!” hahaha. Luckily one of the employees arrived with another model, a Ford Escape, that was all. So we set off for our adventure.

our simple bags on arrival at the hotel
our trunk on arrival at the hotel

Our travel plan was, simple: 8 days of trip divided.

2 and a half days for purchases

1 day magic kingdom

2 universal days

1 Epcot

1 Sea world

A simple but nice and well located, to avoid the headaches that have rolled out there with burglary of bags and room invasion.

Our tips are:
1- See your travel agent of confidence and do a little research in the hotel he indicate,
always good to see if it meets all your expectations.
2- If you're going to do on your own is great search well the hotel before.
See the reviews on sites like booking and trip advisor.
3- Don't stay in hotels roadside style (Motel – Yes outside this type of hotel is named),
where the apartments are at street level and become easy targets for anyone outside get.
4-Choose rooms that don't get in the pool level, they say the doors /
Windows that open onto it are easier to break into. ( There are people who buy broom to lock those doors)
5- Don't be sporting bags and boxes, If possible, throw the packaging away before arriving at the hotel.
6- Always lock up important the bags when you leave.

These unfortunate incidents happen even in Disney hotels, but be careful always helps.

Our hotel was a nice Best Western next to the Wet n Wild ´ ´, the 5 min of Universal, close to many shops, and with parking. Always good to check if the hotel offers free parking or if there's any value to be paid.

view from our room
view from our room

Leaving the tips Department, We will share our first mistake… our mistake was arriving day 25 of December. NEVER arrive anywhere day 25 of December.

Almost nothing works. Neither Walmart was opened. We got lucky that some stores in outlet opened and we shop the next day. After leaving the shop at the hotel we went out for dinner. Dinner ... so ... yeah ... Orlando run from top to bottom, all closed or absurdly crowded. We decided to go to the Downtown Disney that is now called Disney Springs and we were surprised by a mile long queue of cars! Hours of traffic jam, I slept ... we gave up. ISA reminded me that we had booked dinner at the Hollywood Studios where obviously we've lost recently due to the traffic jam. Luckily I was with chip on there and I could call to cancel the reservation, If you cannot attend, Let, get super bad don't give news in addition to lock their account on open table if not satisfaction of what happened. If you cannot call send an email after, But let me know. So, We're still in search of a place to eat. Finished at Pizza Hut… us and half of Orlando. Half a century after the pizzas came out, but of course I had to have some problem: the pizza of the Isa did not come, but after we charge the delay she won an upgrade and the small pizza turned average hehehe… My pizza was the dinner and lunch the next day.

the micro traffic.. #sqn
the micro traffic.. #sqn

We were dead at the end of the day and in a foul mood, and if the rest of the voyage to follow the scheme of the first day, It would be an unprecedented catastrophe!

I'll post about each park that we do not lose!


Tip of Fora da Toca – Orlando

If you plan to travel day 25 of December, be aware that as the options are reduced, the few restaurants that stay open Flock. Get there early or arrange a booking in advance, preferably book out of crowded places like Disney Springs, or get many hours before the reservation not to miss the dinner that we. The site of the Open Table is a great option for restaurant reservations in the United States.

7 thoughts to “New year's Eve in Orlando! A child's dream!”

    1. Look…According to my calculations…can we get back in 2018 I think…PQ will have much new open, before I don't know if it's worth. Now when we go again I want to go to the Animal Kingdom and the Hollywood Studios!

      1. I agree! at the Hollywood Studios I went the first time, but everyone talks so much of Expedition Everest of the Animal Kingdom, I'm dying to go!

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