How is spend new year in Copacabana, the world's largest new year's Eve

This is a post that I never thought to write. For me it's always been something so natural to new year in Copacabana that I never thought to write about. But come on, It is the largest new year's celebration of the world! As I, travel blogger, could not write about him? Even more in the backyard!

World-renowned, and desired as the destination for the new year, the New year's Eve on Copacabana beach attracts millions of people every year. Needless to say, things were not always like this. Let's start with the fact that we are one of the few countries that actually have the habit to celebrate the new year with so much excitement and animation, but before that the party was much simpler.

Fireworks in Copacabana new year 2017/2018

In the early years 70, the new year was celebrated in Copacabana by groups of umbanda, where dressed in white would the sea salute Yemanja. My mother, former inhabitant of Copa, He said it comes from long before the years 70. She said she recalls that since moving to Copacabana umbanda groups celebrate at the beach. Also that in celebration of the fourth centenary of the city (1965), then-Mayor Carlos Lacerda sent air force planes to launch silver paper with the symbol of the 4th centenary to create a large silver rain, starting the celebrations of the anniversary of the city, had no fires. The symbol that very rarely can still be found stamped in Portuguese by pebbles city was developed by the great designer, Aloisio Sergio Barbosa de Magalhães.

that cloud of smoke that forms after a burn time

The tradition of fireworks in Copacabana has troubled origins. Researched enough to write the post and found some alleged origins. The options are as follows:

The famous Méridien ( that has already been Windsor, now is Hilton and we continue to call for Meridien ) Hotel at the end of Copacabana / beginning of the Rudder, started in the years 80 the traditional fireworks display your. This burn was different, It wasn't the Fireworks bursting in the sky, but a huge golden waterfall coming down in front of your 39 floors facing the beach. The proposal was to draw attention of tourists and customers. The first news I found talking about the beautiful waterfall of the Méridien date the turn of 83 for 84 the Jornal do Brazil.

first news that I found about the cascade of the Méridien| JB collection source
New year 2015 / 2016

Already in the headlines 85 for 86 (the Jornal do Brazil too), in the same old marketing footprint Steak House Mariu ´ s I was in Av. At the time of the Atlantic Rudder, fires burned on the beach in front of the restaurant in order to call the attention of the tourists and customers, where with more than 2 tons of fireworks illuminated the sky of Copacabana for about 45 min. That's what it says on the front page, I thought it was very long but ok…

the turn of 84 for 85 with the huge cascada of the Méridien | JB collection source

What was the first, effectively? I don't know. But if we take into consideration the headlines of JB, no doubt would be the cascade of the Méridien which opened the doors to the world's biggest new year.

At the turn to 86, hundreds of thousands of people went to Copacabana beach follow the burning Fireworks and colorful laser beams that marked the party. I don't remember that have been repeated in other years. Already in 1987 the headline of the newspaper says new year's Eve was the most popular party joining River 2 millions of people on the beach and 6 fires around the sand points. Obviously one of the most played was in the vicinity of the Méridien, to observe the cascade. This year has already been registered 10 sound towers that animated the party, along with the bands that passed through the stage mounted in Lido Square.

machete of turn-of-the-year JB 85 / 86 | JB collection
Copacabana beach on new year's day

Stage and shows

The first record of show I found was at the turn of 86 for 87, where several restaurants and hotels had their own shows, until the RPM cheered the upset. Beyond the stage mounted in Lido square by RioTur.

Already the shows, with stage and big infrastructure on the beach, originated in 1993, When the city decided to promote them in order to reduce the turmoil of people returning home, and since the new year's Eve in Copacabana has great attractions. The first was Tim Maia and Jorge Ben (1992 / 1993), already the following year Rod Stewart was called up to the show's turn ( 1993 / 1994 ). Among the famous attractions already performed Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Milton Nascimento, Paulinho da Viola, Lulu Santos, Lenin, Cidade Negra among others. Of 1995 / 1996 and 1996 / 1997 no show was promoted by City Hall.

new year 2017/2018

The sand to the sea

Since fires burning had been taken by the city, surrounded by striped ribbons isolated in the middle of sand lining the areas of fires that were released from a free to burst in the sky. The Security Department to keep the public away that wasn't of the best areas of the universe, and at the turn of 2000 / 2001 an accident in one of those surrounded caused the death of a person, wounding 49. Was the reason for the removal of the sand, and since then the burning is done on rafts anchored to 30 mm of the edge of Copacabana. In the first year ( 2001 / 2002 ) were only 4, already at the turn of 2017 / 2018 were 11 Ferry with about of 17 Grand Fireworks.

Intangible Heritage

The proportion of the party became such that in 17 MARCH 2016, the new year's Eve party on Copacabana beach was declared Cultural Patrimony of Intangible Nature of the city of Rio de Janeiro along with new year's Eve Parties from Flamengo Beach, Palm piscinão Palm and pyrotechnics of the Penha Church.

Atlantic Canada at the turn of the year


But how to spend the new year in Copacabana?

I can say that it is an experience that at least once in their life worth. If you ask the guys "root" as I, never in MY LIFE, This new firework display in the boats will stop that was made in the sand and open those huge balls under our heads; It was something very, very magic, who lived know. It was dangerous to know, but it was something memorable. The fabulous Cascades that everyone expected eagerly, both of the Méridien when Fort, Ouch ... good times ... but it's still a beautiful firework display! Now 2018, are you saying that the cascade of the Méridien coming back technological form…I suspect that is a video mapping, day 1 of 2019 I update this question.

new year 97 / 98 viewed from the front to the beach, When fires were still in the sand and the year I learned that it wasn't any camera that captured the Fireworks hahahhaa

Over the years many improvements came. Nowadays the traffic in Copacabana is fully closed, You can't get in or circulate in the neighborhood, After a certain time, that is wonderful, do you have that desperation of people entering in the cars, fighting to take cabs and in the end everyone completely bottled disturbing pedestrians who want to return home. I remember one year that the wall of cars and buses on Barata Ribeiro was such that you couldn't cross.

Fireworks in Copacabana new year 2012/2013

Each year I have the feeling that security is best, and honestly the more empty and quiet beach, other residents agree with me. Besides other events were created by the city to relieve Copacabana, with concerts and fireworks in other beaches like Flamengo and Bar. Even had the time when Christmas tree of the pond had their shows and Fireworks ( I don't know if she's going to have this year ). Another advantage is that the subway work 12:00 am, and sell tickets where people can only get back at specific intervals of hours, relieving as well the flow avoiding crowds and accidents.

New year 2015 / 2016

Still pass in Copacabana is a generic phrase, There are so many places you can spend and enjoy the varied views. You can follow the sand, the massive crowd of the show of the year, the sidewalk, from the top of a hotel, from the balcony of the House of a friend. I've been in the sea (low floor and upper floor), in Club in the post 6, on the Boardwalk, on the street, under a sky of stars and rain. Regardless of where you can be on new year's Eve in Copacabana, You can be sure, is an incredible energy!

the path to the beach some 20 minutes before the Fireworks, New year 2015 / 2016

How can I get to the new year in Copacabana

If you're not in Copacabana, and intends to go after the neighborhood have closed to car entry (day 31 December 6:00 pm), recommend buying one of subway tickets for the new year and ensure your back, with the schedule you prefer. The subway nowadays without doubt is the best option.

Otherwise if you want to get in before the 6:00 pm. Keep in mind that many places cannot Park and transit to completely at 10:00 pm.

Tip of Fora da Toca – New year in Copacabana

If you are staying in Copacabana, let down missing about 30 minutes for the Fireworks, Take it easy, take your sparkling wine, If chairs and enjoy. It's really quiet, My grandmother 101 years was going good until the beach with us.

Comfortable shoes for walking quietly.

Oh of course, Remember to take your trash with you! As much as the service that the TV GLOBO do after new year's is the most impressive, It costs absolutely nothing to throw your trash in the trash can closer.

2 thoughts to “How is spend new year in Copacabana, the world's largest new year's Eve”

  1. Is all that and more. Is the eternal caveat about lack of education of people hell-bent and mess deliberately!
    And congratulations to Comlurb for efficiency ever. Is awesome

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