Shore track, How to climb Sugar Loaf

My whole childhood listening to the adventures of my father and uncles for Urca when they were kids, there by the 50/60. Among the oddities that children “Santas” did, one of the most iconic was climbing Sugar Loaf. For many time I tried to understand and show that, I always thought at the bottom, in the background, was a legend without head or tail. Considered impossible and obviously, out of my League. Many years later I'm here to tell you how, climbing Sugar Loaf.

that breathtaking view of Rio de Janeiro, gift for who ends the Costão ( or who take the cable car )

The Coastline was originally opened by an Englishwoman, Henrietta Carstairs (Girl powerrr!!! ) around 1817. At the end of the trail she stuck a flag of England on top. This attitude left the military red Beach hair, about to send a detachment down there to change the flag.

Different time

When you think of tourism of Adventure, extreme tours, trails and the like, the first thing the mind is certainly wake up early, cross the road. Even more if you're climbing, After all, the stone gets hot. In this case the things are a little different. Do the Costão morning is totally infeasible ( especially in the summer Rio ) the Sun focuses with your power on the total in the morning, Since it is located in the eastern part of the mountain, leaving totally impractical to track. Raoni said that on cloudy days, preferably more for months invernosos you could do in the morning, but other than that, is Sun in the back, hot stone and cries, so, not worth it.

very beginning of the trail and the view breathtaking

My trail began at 3:00 pm due to my delay of 30 minutes for a traffic jam that doesn't make any sense. 13Copacabana x h45 Urca, 1h of course, Why??! I have no idea, There's no reason not to be excessive even cars, so to get here if you plan to take a nice day off, apparently 2:00 pm is a rush hours in Rio de Janeiro.

difficult save in the click

The trail starts flat, tarred, inviting for a stroll on a sunny afternoon the track Claudio Coutinho in Urca, the extension of the track is 1, 25 km round trip totaling 2 mile round trip. The entrance to the Hill is at the end of it, for a small space between the "tower" and the stone. Passed the small space starts the nervous. Let's make it clear that for this trail guide with climbing technique is required! Stay out of the do it yourself, It is very dangerous, especially the part of climbing.

basically my pose all the way

Lately I've been feeling a need too large to write my posts more adventurers including the psychological point of view. Because when we read post of adventure is always so beautiful and looks so easy. But, No, My friends! Let's talk about truths…

Most of the things I do I'm afraid. Pretty, of the most diverse types, fear of falling, to lock, twisting the foot (constant panic of my life actually so I've tweaked), to hurt me, sick, of having to explain how I messed up, cell phone camera rolling/break/drown (including managed to drown the camera in 2018), I think I have a bit of fear of heights, often confused with attraction to the abyss, Massssssssssssssssssssssssss, don't ask me how, I breathe deep, focus, follow the instructions and follow through with the best man I can do landscape. Of course be duly accompanied by a guide / competent teacher makes all the difference. What I mean is that, courage is not the absence of fear, is simply know how to handle it and not let it swallow you. Having that said…follow.

When I say it's literally in stone, is pq is on rock

The Coastline is basically in stone, You literally climb around the Sugar Loaf, There's no bushes, roots or Earth steps, It's all a big steep stone ramp (OK, There are some very few pieces with rungs of Earth). The panic of slip, for me, It was a constant danger and eminent. After a good deal of trail is I managed to put in place better, Navin's instructions.

You can't sit down, or squat so far to go in stone, Why is your weight on your feet that helps create the friction of tennis with the stone. My position of walking, most of the time, was Spider man style, until I hit me with these more upright system to increase the weight and friction on your feet. Until the end of the tour I walked there between Hominoides and Hominids.

But how is the Shore Trail?

It's a little pull track with a small part of the three-level climbing ( 20 meters). The total route, Cláudio Coutinho Track return, Shore Trail and Trail of the Morro da Urca ( We use to go down ) sum approximately 5 km.

The path is pulled but the reward is no size, the angles of the city are privileged, a beauty without equal, be looking at Copacabana, or Niterói, It still on track. I'm not going into the merits of the view from the top of Sugarloaf worldwide known by your beauty.

Raoni registering the view

Sugar Loaf still has more 300 climbing routes, among them the famous via the Italians rising through the western part of the mountain. 'S mountain, up to 300 m is die after that becomes mountain and Sugarloaf is approximately 396 m until your Ridge. This route is right for who comes to the Sugar Loaf cable car. Another interesting route is the one that goes to the Ibis, There the climb is well drawn and only experienced climbers should venture, but to tell you the pictures I've ever seen, is a Studio across Copacabana beach. I tell the legend of the íbis in this post here, There's some pictures, kindly provided by Climbing company, the plateau of Ibis.

The part of the climb, going by the logic is not so great, are 20 meters as mentioned before. But taking into consideration the context around, It turns out that impresses, It's a lot of breadth. After equipping with harness, rope and helmet, not necessarily in that order, the Raoni went up in front of me to make my security, While followed the path he did to try to repeat in the best possible way. Split me stupefied with the view.

Niterói in other Bank
the whole beauty of different shades of the sea

The majority of the climbing is quite simple, but there's a passage before the part that you have to stick your hand underneath the rock and play the leg doesn't know where I simply stuck. I didn't point to support well the foot, and or place to try a simple grip to the hand. Standing in a reduced area tired leg, just for the record. So I ended up, in one of my advances, I fell. What being properly equipped and safe is a crap, the only thing that gets hurt is your pride even hahaha. Overcoming the wounded pride and using all my notions of power in physics, I was able to skip that part on third attempt. Then just flowers. Do not hold the rope!!!!! I held because had fallen and was thinking back the places to support.

Raoni doing security and I was bitten hard to climb
was posed, but I was dazzled even
doing guy ” blasé ” because we need to maintain the pose, but I was drooling

We followed the walk with this viewpoint to photo…No kidding…most beautiful angles if not the most beautiful I've seen of Copacabana. The stone almost strategically placed there allows some fantastic photos. In fact the whole route is filled with sensational views. Some more walk and got to the top.

part of the infrastructure of the Pão de Açúcar
line to get down from the Sugar Loaf cable car
crowded tram to go down

At the top of Sugar Loaf has bathroom, snack bars, restaurant, shops, water cooler and more views to do any tourist jealous of Cariocas. On the descent, Let's take the cable car up to the Morro da Urca. There's no way to go back down by the shore.

bye bye Sugar Loaf

Arriving at the Morro da Urca, just get the trail that ends at the track Claudio Coutinho. This trail is a great option for anyone who is beginning to trudge through the Woods. Super quiet, Today more than ever after the "steps" that were placed to assist in the preservation of nature around, avoiding further deforestation, has a "cost-benefit" wonderful.

Vista Morro da Urca x Sugar Loaf
down the trail of the Morro da Urca

Shore track worth?

The ascent is by ( in my opinion ) most beautiful postcard of the city with the most beautiful view of the city, so worth it. Be prepared to sweat a cadim, It's a part of the process, nothing is for free. But honestly I think the effort is worth it, recommend!

Tip of Fora da Toca – Shore track

Wonderful guide to the Shore Trail!

If you want to make the trip with the same wonderful guide that I was, These are the Raoni contacts, In addition to this tour he teaches climbing, and makes other trails. On class I told that my adventure here in the post about the escalation in the Morro da Babilônia. Regardless of the tab you choose remember that is a trail that is O-BRI-GA-TÓ-RI have specialized guide.

Raoni Chavarry | 21 98841 5510
follow him on social networks Facebook and instagram and to schedule a tour, track or baptism.

Clothes for trail, comfortable. Step? It is possible to do with normal shoes, I did track boot and was also ok. Nothing havaianas, Please, Crocs doubt talk to your guide. Pass filter, and bring plenty of water, even in the shade, sunny day is not a piece of cake.

How about to mend a beer with sardines in Urca seawall to watch the sunset? Delight! Super recommend, whether on wall or on pobreta. For the sunset, me, prefer the view from the pobreta.

Important information – Shore track

Value Guide R$ 180 ( price 2018 )
average time 4hours ( ascent and descent )
track level average / heavy

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